Slice of Life - Piles, Oh how I love you.

Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays.  For the month of March, I am participating in the March Challenge by posting a slice daily.

Raise your hand if you are a "piler"? Okay, I am going to pretend some of you raised your hands so that I feel like I am in great company.

Organizing papers and belongings is a funny thing. Everyone has their preferences and what works for them.  I love those who say you should touch a paper only once and then do something with it immediately.  I say those people were never teachers and principals.  They must also have a team of clerical staff to delegate tasks.  As a principal, dozens of papers would cross my desk daily. While I was reading them, I would be interrupted with a someone stopping by my office or a child in need or some other daily school occurrence.  I would put it down and have to pick it up again later. When I finally got to read it, I would inevitably need to find the information or hold a meeting or do about ten more steps before I could get rid of the paper.  Delegate? And exactly who do you delegate to when everyone is just as busy as you are?   

I became a "piler" years ago. I fully admit that this is my organizational system. What is piling you ask? I make piles. Organized piles. On my desk or the floor around my desk or on top of the bookcase.  I know what is in these piles. I know exactly where that paper is when you come into my space and want it. Yes, it may look messy but I know exactly where it is. And as soon as I move the paper from the pile into a file cabinet, it is gone. Out of sight or better out of pile and it is definitely out of mind.  In a pile means that I still need to do something with it.  In a file cabinet means I am done and won't be touching it again.

It is also easier to throw things away that are in piles.  If you leave a pile long enough, you have either done something with what is there and can now file it or decided it wasn't worth your time and effort and can now throw it away guilt free.

Now, pilers need to not be bullied by those who think they have better ways of organizing things or feel that your office would look better if you took all those papers and put them in a file cabinet or notebook or some other system.  Don't cave.  It only ruins the system.  Sure my office would look great if I didn't have piles.  However, I am also lost without my piles and likely will forget to do something. This especially happens when you throw piles into a box to stash under your desk or in some corner when there are visitors. Remember what I said about out of sight meaning out of mind? A pile in a box is just as bad as organized files.  Maybe even worse.

Sadly, piles do need attention or they grow to heights that are scary. You need to schedule regular time every few months to tame them and let them know who is boss, or well, at least make you think that you are in control of them.  It's that time.  The time to tame the piles that have been growing for the past couple of months. Armed with trash bags, recycling bins, and a shredder off I go to remind them who is boss. 


Slice of Life - Writing with Humor

Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays.  For the month of March, I am participating in the March Challenge by posting a slice daily.

I want to be funny. Nah, not the class clown funny.  Rather funny with a pen or in my case, the keyboard.  You know this kind of person or writer. You both experience the same exact situation and when they retell it, either in person or on paper, it sounds like a completely different story.  Somehow they have managed to spin it in a way that has everyone laughing at all the right parts.   I shake my head wondering were we at the same party/meeting/get-together?

So, yes, I want to take an average daily event and retell it with humor. And do it with ease too. And maybe a little snark for good measure.  Is that really too much to ask? Of course, I am not asking to be the next Joss Whedon (Buffy) or Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) or Libba Bray (Beauty Queens).

Alas, I am not funny.  When I try to write humor, it falls flat. You might even say the humor gets lost in translation. Rather than snarky, it's mean.  I don't want to be mean. I want to be funny.

Just like there are days when I would like to be an extrovert, there are days I have to come to terms with solidly being an introvert.  There are other days when I just have to delete the attempts at humor and stick with the serious. Introspective, deep, reflective that I can do. But there is a little voice inside me that says "that's boring". 

It isn't that I don't see humor in life. I really do.  But writing it down in a funny way, yeah, that's just not me. So, if you are wondering why so many of my posts are introspective, serious pieces, well now you know.

Slice of Life - Showing Up

Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays.  For the month of March, I am participating in the March Challenge by posting a slice daily.

Showing up! Sometimes life calls us to take a risk. Other times, we find ourselves in a rut. Surprisingly both times require the same thing. It requires us to show up. It requires us to be open.  It requires us to have a little faith. 

Lately, I have been lacking in the faith department and hesitant to even show up. A kick in the pants or a push out the door can help in taking that step.  Other times just making a promise to a friend that you will do something is enough of a push.

Last week, I finally "showed up" with something that I have been putting off.  It was a small step. It was only the beginning. There will need to be more steps and definitely more faith. However, I showed up and was open and now I will see. 

Showing up! Sometimes just the act of showing up makes it easier to take the next step.

Slice of Life - New Obsession: Caramel Macchiato

Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays.  For the month of March, I am participating in the March Challenge by posting a slice daily.

 On my way to work, I tend to stop by the same Starbucks a couple of days a week. After awhile the baristas try to guess what you are having, especially if the last several times it was a grande nonfat white chocolate mocha with no whip. Sadly, I tend to mix it up and change my mix-ups based on season.  There are a couple of baristas who know this and when they see me they will actually say "you change your order all the time".  Yes, yes, I do.

Well, the weather is getting warmer in the morning which means I have moved on to my warm weather rotation.  Though I tend to lean towards a iced green tea most of the time, I came upon a new choice.  One of my favorites that I discovered last summer is an iced nonfat caramel macchiato.  I tried it out of the blue, when I was trying to get away from iced mochas and landed on this drink.

One of the closer spellings of my name.

Recently, I had an a-ha moment. It occurred to me that I really love that first sip.  The coffee hasn't fully mixed with the milk.  The caramel on top & bottom hasn't completely absorbed into the liquid.  Through the straw, I get a perfect mix of milky caramel with just a hint of coffee and no bitterness.  Maybe if I loved coffee, which I still do not really care for, I would appreciate the rest of the drink. For now, I will just savor that first wonderful sip.  

Slice of Life Meets Celebrate This Week - #sol14 - 3/15/14

Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays.  For the month of March, I am participating in the March Challenge by posting a slice daily.

This year, I am trying to increase my awareness of the many good things that happen, which are frequently overlooked by me.  To help me, I am joining Ruth Ayres' Celebrate This Week.

Here's what I am thankful for this week...

1.  First graders - This past week, I was able to spend the week doing one on one reading assessments with first graders. I loved chatting with them, listening to them read and discussing what they read. They are all so different and all are at such a fun age. 

2.  Reading Communities - I love watching as a school begins to grow as a reading community.  Yesterday, I received a great email from one of our Library Coordinators.  She has been working to build more of a love of reading and challenged the students to each buy one book at the fair and if they did then she would color her hair blue.  The students rose to the challenge and the book fair was their best ever.  Now when they return from Spring Break, she will be showing off some blue hair.

3.  Girl Scout Gold Award - Last summer, a close friend's daughter asked if I would be the Project Advisor for her Gold Award for Girl Scouts.  It has been fun watching her grow through the months.  She is an amazing young woman and I suspect she will go far in life.  This past Monday, I was watching her as she met with a group of first and second graders for their sixth or seventh session.  She is using songs to reinforce reading skills.  At the beginning, the students were shy and barely sang along.  Now, they are excited to see her and are very engaged and sing loudly.  They will certainly miss her when she is finished with the project, but it has been a neat experience for all of them.

4.  Veronica Mars Movie - Yes, it is finally out.  I loved the first two seasons of Veronica Mars (and try to pretend the third season did not exist) and though I have not been following all of the details of the movie, I am excited to finally have more Veronica Mars.

5.  Spring Break - It has been a crazy busy few weeks and I am finally excited that spring break is here.  Believe it or not, I am excited for spring cleaning.  I am also looking forward to staying home and hanging out in sweats.

Now, off to enjoy my spring break...