Our Policy

All of the book reviewers on this site are passionate readers who love and enjoy literature for children and teens.  Each review that is posted is intended to give readers of this blog enough information to determine if a particular book may be of interest to them.  Many of the books reviewed on this site are purchased from a bookstore or checked out from the library.  At times, we have received Advanced Readers Copies of books from authors, publishers, or publicists. We are not and have not been paid for our reviews.

When agreeing to review a book, we do not guarantee a fully favorable review but one that we believe is honest and fair.  Additionally, due to the fact that all of the reviewers on this site have full-time jobs or are full-time students, we are unable to promise a time-frame in which to review a book.  As a result, we are limiting the number of books that we request for review. 

We are happy to consider requests for author interviews, guest posts, and blog tours.  The priority will be given to authors and illustrators of non-fiction picture books, picture books, or middle grade novels. 

Self-Published and Specialty Publishers

At the beginning of the blog, we were willing to review self-published books.  Unfortunately, after considering several books that we did not feel that we could promote on the blog, we have elected not to accept self-published books for review. Any requests asking for a review will be deleted.

Review Ratings

Over the course of our blogging history, we have opted to not include ratings on books.  It is our goal to provide enough material in the review, including when possible book descriptions, book trailers, and other information that can be used to determine if the book would be of interest to individual readers.  With that said, we understand that not every book is for every reader and that others may have differing opinions on the books that we have selected to review.

Additionally, we have elected not to post reviews of books that we are unable to positively promote. However, that does not mean that these are the only books that we have enjoyed over the course of a reading year.  Each of us maintain GoodReads accounts where you can look at additional reviews of books.

Thank you for checking out our review policy.