Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: Nonfiction News

Preparing to vote (California had a lot of propositions on our ballot) and preparing for NCTE ‘18 has limited my time to pull together a Mock Sibert/Mock Orbis Pictus post. Plus there are a few books I am still looking to read. This is a common issue. I am always afraid of missing a title and not reading the book that is going to be the winner. So while you wait for my post…it’s coming. I promise. I am sharing some blog posts and reviews to check out.

Here’s what you might have missed…

This post in the New York Times is timely given yesterday’s election and the need for teachers and librarians to keep sharing important parts of history with children. There are some good titles listed in Amy Chozick’s How Do you Talk to Children About Politics These Days? Try These Books

Have you read Deborah Heiligman’s Nonfiction Authors Dig Deep Post on Melissa Stewart’s blog? Learn about Heiligman’s theme “only connect” and how it has shaped her as a writer and who was the person that influenced her theme.

Are you going to NCTE ‘18 in Houston? I am excited to be on four different panels with some amazing educators and nonfiction authors. If you are looking for panels to attend, I hope you might consider one of the above. And please say “hi” if you see me wandering around the conference. I tend to get a bit shy or at time a bit overwhelmed. So I do appreciate if you get in my path and say hello.

Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen ©2017

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: The Season of Lists

My favorite time of year is fall, especially when I lived in New England. Unfortunately, California does not really have a fall. So, though I can’t enjoy the changing of leaves and cooler temperatures, I can look forward to all of the “best of” lists and the announcement of book award finalists. To help you keep up, I have included a number of lists and links to those lists that you might want to know about.

Here are some of my favorites…

Last week, I shared about the 2019 finalists of the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Children’s Science Picture Book Awards. Here are the links for the finalists in the following categories: Picture Books | Middle Grade

This week, I saw an announcement about the California Reading Association 2018 Eureka! Nonfiction Children’s Book Awards.

If you follow the CYBILS Awards, then you may know that nominations for each category have been featured on their website. Here is the list of eligible Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction. The Round 1 Judges for this category will read through the eligible books and hand off a shorter list for the Round 2 Judges to consider and select the winners. I am excited to be one of the Round 2 Judges.

Michele Knott has is doing a Mock Orbis Pictus this year. She has created several blog posts to help teachers do their own Mock Orbis Pictus. Check out Part I and Part II for more details. You can also check out this great post over at the NCTE website about Mock Book Awards, here.

Keep an eye out for my Mock Nonfiction Book Award list which I will be sharing next week. Regardless of whether you call it a Mock Sibert or a Sibert Smackdown or a Mock Orbis Pictus, it is time to celebrate the fabulous nonfiction from 2018.

Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen ©2017

Don’t forget to post your nonfiction reviews…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence

Since I am traveling this week, I am doing a short post to share the 2019 finalists of the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Children’s Science Picture Book Awards.

Congratulations to the six finalists….

The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs: The Story of Ken Nedimyer and the Coral Restoration Foundation by Kate Messner, Illustrated by Matthew Forsythe (Chronicle Books, April 2018)

A House in the Sky: And Other Uncommon Animal Homes by Steve Jenkins, Illustrated by Robin Gourley (Charlesbridge, May 2018)

What Do They Do With All That Poo? by Jane Kurtz, Illustrated by Allison Black (Beach Lane Books, June 2018)

Living Things and Nonliving Things (A Compare and Contrast Book) by Kevin Kurtz (Arbordale Publishing, September 2017)

Iqbal and His Ingenious Idea: How a Science Project Helps One Family and the Planet by Elizabeth Suneby, Illustrated by Rebecca Green (Kids Can Press, May 2018)

Many: The Diversity of Life on Earth by Nicola Davies, Illustrated by Emily Sutton (Candlewick Press, 2017)

The winner will be chosen in December from one of the six finalists listed above. Look for each of these books at your local indie bookstore or community library.

Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen ©2017

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…