Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: What Are You Reading? - 4/24/19

I was wondering if I was going to get a blog post up this week. Two weeks ago part of my ceiling in the living room came down due to water damage. We made a decision to replace the whole ceiling and I spent the weekend packing things up and for the next two weeks, my cats and I are essentially living in my bedroom. While packing up things (including many many books), I read through a stack of picture books. Some I posted in my It’s Monday! What are you reading? post and today I feature some of the nonfiction titles.

Butterflies in Room 6: See How They Grow by Caroline Arnold (Charlesbridge, March 2019)

I was really curious about this book and hoping it would be good. I can see a lot of teachers using this as part of their units on butterflies. I also wish I had read this when we had an explosion of Painted Butterflies in our area about a month ago. It would have been the perfect book to share as students were fascinated by all the butterflies that surrounded us.

Doctor Esperanto and the Language of Hope by Mara Rockliff, Illustrated by Zosia Dzierzawska (Candlewick Press, March 2019)

I had heard of Esperanto as a language many years ago but I knew little of its creator. Rockliff gives readers an initial introduction to Leyzer Zamenhof and all of his work. Hopefully it will inspire students to learn more and to try learning some of it.

Weird Animals by Mary Kay Carson (Sterling Children’s Books, January 2019)

I really enjoyed how this book was laid out. The color coding of the text to guide young readers in organizing their thoughts about each of the creatures in the book makes this a fun mentor text for nonfiction writing. Plus all of the great facts will be enjoyable for children to partner share as they read this book.

So, what have you been reading?

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: More New Releases

Last week, I did a recent release post with about 22 new titles. However, that one didn’t get me through April releases. I am adding another 14 titles this week. I am really thrilled to see so much nonfiction coming out for young readers. Enjoy!

Links to past round-ups: January | February | April Part 1

Hello, I’m Here! by Helen Frost, Photographs by Rick Lieder (Candlewick Press, March 20, 2019 )

The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander, Illustrated by Kadir Nelson (Versify, April 2, 2019 )

Hello Summer! by Shelley Rotner (Holiday House, April 9, 2019)

Nine Months: Before a Baby Is Born by Miranda Paul, Illustrated by Jason Chin (Neal Porter Books, April 23, 2019))

Predator and Prey: A Conversation in Verse by Susannah Buhrman-Deever, Bert Kitchen (Candlewick Studio, April 9, 2019)

Ninita's Big World: The True Story of a Deaf Pygmy Marmoset by Sarah Glenn Marsh, Illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman (Clarion, April 29, 2019)

Stonewall: A Building. An Uprising, A Revolution by Rob Sanders, Illustrated by Jamey Christoph

Comics: Easy as ABC!: The Essential Guide to Comics for Kids by Ivan Brunetti, Françoise Mouly (Toon Books, April 2, 2019)

Guitar Genius: How Les Paul Engineered the Solid-Body Electric Guitar and Rocked the World by Kim Tomsic, Brett Helquist (Chronicle Books, April 9, 2019)

A Brief History of Life on Earth by Clemence Dupont (Pristinal

Birth of the Cool: How Jazz Great Miles Davis Found His Sound by Kathleen Cornell Berman, Illustrated by Keith Henry Brown (Page Street Kids, April 16, 2019)

Raccoon Rescue by Kama Einhorn (HMH Books for Young Readers, April 9, 2019)

Anteater Adventures by Kama Einhorn (HMH Books for Young Readers, April 9, 2019)

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: Recent & Upcoming Releases

I love posting about new books and getting them on the radar of other readers. Though I don’t catch all of the titles, I try to share as many as possible. This month I have twenty-two titles that look fabulous. The ones I have read are amazing. I have starred those and the rest I am tracking down.

Link to January’s new release post, click here. I didn’t do an official new release post in February, but I did share a round-up post, click here.

Here is a list of just some of the new nonfiction releases that came out in March or just this week. I have only been able to read a few of the titles below but hoping to get my hands on more of them over the next few weeks.

** The Bluest of Blues: Anna Atkins and the First Book of Photographs by Fiona Robinson (Abrams Books for Young Readers, February 12, 2019)

A Green Place to Be: The Creation of Central Park by Ashley Benham Yazdani (Candlewick Press, March 12, 2019)

Two Men and a Car: Franklin Roosevelt, Al Capone, and a Cadillac V-8 by Michael Garland (Tillbury House Publishers, March 12, 2019)

Doctor Esperanto and the Language of Hope by Mara Rockliff, Illustrations by Zosia Dzierżawska (Candlewick Press, March 12, 2019)

** The Crayon Man: The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons by Natascha Biebow, Illustrated by Steve Salerno (HMH Books for Young Readers, March 19, 2019)

Butterflies in Room 6: See How They Grow by Caroline Arnold (Charlesbridge Publishing, March 12, 2019)

Dreaming in Code: Ada Byron Lovelace, Computer Pioneer by Emily Arnold McCully (Candlewick Press, March 12, 2019)

Soar High, Dragonfly by Sheri M. Bestor (Sleeping Bear Press, April 15, 2019)

The Boy Who Grew a Forest: The True Story of Jadav Payeng by Sophia Gholz, Illustrations by Kayla Harren (Sleeping Bear Press, April 15, 2019)

Home Sweet Neighborhood: Transforming Cities One Block at a Time by Michelle Mulder (Orca Books, March 19, 2019)

Seeds Move! by Robin Page (Beach Lane Books, March 19, 2019)

Dancing Through Fields of Color: The Story of Helen Frankenthaler by Elizabeth Brown, Aimaee Sicuro (Abrams Books for Young Readers, March 19, 2019)

Can You Crack the Code?: A Fascinating History of Ciphers and Cryptography by Ella Schwartz (Bloomsbury Children’s Books, March 26, 2019)

Smile: How Young Charlie Chaplin Taught the World to Laugh (and Cry) by Gary Golio, Illustrations by Ed Young (Candlewick Press, March 26, 2019)

Just Like Rube Goldberg: The Incredible True Story of the Man Behind the Machines by Sarah Aronson, Illustrations by Robert Neubecker (Beach Lane Books, March 12, 2019)

Weird Animals by Mary Kay Carson (Sterling Children’s Books, January 1, 2019)

** Like a Lizard by April Pulley Sayre, Illustrations by Stephanie Laberis (Boyds Mills Press, March 12, 2019)

The Tornado Scientist: Seeing Inside Severe Storms by Mary Kay Carson, Photographs by Tom Uhlman (HMH Books for Young Readers, March 19, 2019)

** Lion of the Sky: Haiku for All Seasons by Laura Purdie Salas, Illustrated by Mercè López (Millbrook Press, April 2, 2019)

** Seashells: More Than a House by Melissa Stewart, Illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen (Charlesbridge Publishing, April 2, 2019)

Don't Let Them Disappear by Chelsea Clinton, Gianna Marino (Philomel Books, April 2, 2019)

Hey, Water! by Antoinette Portis (Neal Porter Books, March 26, 2019)

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…