Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: June Releases

If you are like me and can’t believe we are almost in the middle of June, I find round-up posts good to reference. When I can’t remember what has come out and what is coming out soon, I come back to these blog posts and start checking off of titles. June has some wonderful new books coming out from favorite authors and new to me authors. I have included the links to past month round-ups in case you want to look back on past releases.

January | February | April part I | April part II | May

New books coming this month….

Birthday on Mars! by Sara Schonfeld, Illustrated by Andrew J. Ross (Penguin Workshop, June 4, 2019)

Go for the Moon: A Rocket, a Boy, and the First Moon Landing by Chris Gall (Roaring Brook Press, June 11, 2019)

Hector: A Boy, A Protest, and the Photograph that Changed Apartheid by Adrienne Wright (Page Street Kids, June 4, 2019)

Homes in the Wild: Where Baby Animals and Their Parents Live by Lita Judge (Roaring Brook Press, June 18, 2019)

Moth by Isabel Thomas, Illustrated by Daniel Egneus (Bloomsbury, June 25, 2019)

Samuel Morse, That’s Who!: The Story of the Telegraph and Morse Code by Tracy Nelson Maurer, El Primo Ramon (Henry Holt & Co., June 25, 2019)

Welcome Home: Where Nature’s Most Creative Creatures Dwell by Lisa Mundroff (Feiwel & Friends, June 18, 2019)

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: What am I reading? - 6/5/19

Recently, I took a look at my Nonfiction 2019 shelf on GoodReads and realized that I am far behind my normal pace of nonfiction reading. I try to stay on top of my picture book reading but life lately has been a bit crazy. So, I dove into my pile of books and here are some of the books that I read over the past week or two. I am hoping to make a bigger dent in the next week or so.

Trees: A Rooted History by Piotr Socha, Illustrated by Wojciech Grajkowski (Abrams Books for Young Readers, April 2019) - Though this Tree book and the one below are from two different publishers, both are these oversized, beautifully illustrated books that cover a lot of information. Definitely for upper elementary students to pour over with friends.

Nature All Around: Trees by Pamela Hickman, Illustrated by Carolyn Gavin (Kids Can Press, April 2019) - See my comment above. Definitely would pair these two tree books together.

A Book About Whales by Andrea Antinori (Abrams Books for Young Readers, May 2019) - A nice introduction to whales for younger readers.

Carter Reads the Newspaper by Deborah Hopkinson, Illustrated by Don Tate (Peachtree Publishing, April 2019) - A wonderful picture book bio on Carter G. Woodson by a fabulous author/illustrator team.

No Small Potatoes: Junius G. Groves and His Kingdom in Kansas by Tonya Bolden, Illustrated by Don Tate (Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2018) - I missed this book last fall and picked it up at the LA Times Festival of books. This is another fabulous picture book bio for young readers.

Superlative Birds by Leslie Bulion, Illustrated by Robert Meganck (Peachtree Publishing, March 2019) - I love nonfiction picture books in verse. I always feel like teachers don’t expect nonfiction to be written in verse and I love sharing these books with teachers. Readers will enjoy learning about birds.

When Plants Attack: Strange and Terrifying Plants by Rebecca E. Hirsch (Millbrook, January 2019) - I love books like this because I learn so much about a collection of items around a topic. They are also easy to book talk, and kids love learning odd facts, and you don’t need to start at the beginning of the book.

Liberty Arrives! How America’s Grandest Statue Found Her Home by Robert Byrd (June 18, 2019) - This picture book biography of the Statue of Liberty may seem like a picture book with beautiful illustrations but the design almost feels like there are chapters. Lots of texts but also lots of illustrations which makes this a good choice for kids who need a reading challenge but still needs lots of pictures.

So, what are you reading?

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…