`111111Yes, it's already October, and you know what that means! Time to be bombarded with pumpkins and everything Halloween. It's never too early to get started on Halloween costume ideas, though. Many of my favorite costumes that I've ever seen, whether for Halloween or other events, were book related. Here's a list of potential literary costume ideas, ranging from easy to quite complicated:
Dressing up as a character:
Cath from Fangirl
Skinny jeans, cute flats, a cozy cardigan, a geeky t-shirt, and voila, you're the most loved Simon Snow fanfiction author on the internet. If you want to put out a bit more effort, screen printing your own Simon Snow related shirt would be perfect. I would also recommend a (slightly sloppy) ponytail and glasses, if you're looking to match the depiction of Cath on the cover. A protein bar would also be a nice touch.
Maisie Dobbs from the Maisie Dobbs series
`Late 1920s and early 1930s style skirt suits would probably work well, or an early 20th century blouse and a simple skirt. A cloche hat and a notebook are also definitely a must. Other accessories, like an umbrella or a document case, would be nice too.
Any character from The Grisha Trilogy
The wonderful Alethea Allarey made a quite impressive kefta (shown below). A soldier's uniform would be far simpler as Grisha Trilogy costumes go, but either way I would recommend hand-making a costume. If that's not an option, it could be cobbled together with just the right pieces of clothing. Sadly, no adorably fluffy cat included.
I'd also be thrilled if someone crafts Morozova's collar or any of the amplifiers. Basically, if anyone makes a costume for a character from the Grisha trilogy, I will be one happy book blogger.
She also made a stunning Anna Dressed in Blood costume, perfect for creepy yet literary outfit:
You can read more about it here.
Any character from The Lunar Chronicles
Scarlet would probably be the easiest - a red hoodie and jeans - but there is the question of her Merida-esque hair. Cress would also be fairly simple, assuming it's after her hair has been cut. Cinder's cyborg hand and foot would be quite complicated, but if executed correctly, would be amazing.
Mina Holmes or Evaline Stoker from the Holmes and Stoker novels
A full-on cosplay for either of these heroines would take lots of effort - a complete Steampunk/Victorian dress, shoes, jewelry, and even small wooden stakes for Evaline - but it would be incredible if someone did. Either a handmade costume or something ordered from the likes of Etsy or Clockwork Couture would be the best bet.
Of course, other book characters would also be fabulous.
Dressing up as a famous author:
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Harriet Beecher Stow, or any other famous author would make for a great costume. I actually had a Jane Austen costume in 6th grade:
...or you could just go as a book, like my sister did.
Have you ever made a book-related costume? Are you planning on making one this year? I'd love to know in the comments or on twitter @yalitfrenzy .