Slice of Life is hosted by Two Writing Teachers on Tuesdays. Join us each week and come to love this awesome writing community.
Squeals of delight drifted in through the open windows while sounds of rushing water melded together for a summer soundtrack for childhood play. As I listened to the ecstatic shrieks, I was drawn back in time to my own childhood when water and heat and friends were the perfect recipe for entertainment. For a moment, I wondered where my own sense of unabashed enthusiasm had gone.
As I looked around my living room and the piles of books and other things that I was organizing, I knew that joining in was impossible but the longing was still there. Maybe I wasn't going to be able to be carefree and embrace the moment but my eye landed on my camera. I could capture it. I snuck outside with my camera to where the girls were fully engaged in their play.
I nearly burst out in laughter when I saw the older one using the cooler as a makeshift water tub while drinking from the hose. Before long, she had turned the hose on her sister. The spray of cold water shocking her as it shot out from the hose causing her to turn away.
Oh to be young and carefree and fully in the moment. I am glad I captured this slice on camera.