This Book Just Ate My Dog!
by Richard Byrne
Henry Holt and Company (September 30, 2014)
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Description from GoodReads:
When her dog disappears into the gutter of the book, Bella calls for help. But when the helpers disappear too, Bella realizes it will take more than a tug on the leash to put things right. Cleverly using the physicality of the book, This book just ate my dog! is inventive, ingenious, and just pure kid-friendly fun!
My thoughts on this book:
Some books, from the moment you unwrap them, you know they are going to be a fun read. This Book Just Ate My Dog! is certainly one of those books. No matter how many times I have read this book, I laugh and smile. Every time I share this book with a child or adult, there are smiles and chuckles.
First, when you remove the cover, look what you find:
Some books also require visuals for when talking about them. The main character Bella is going out for a walk with her dog. This would normally be a simple, every day thing except for when you go for a walk in a naughty book.
Yes, odd things do happen in this book and they only get stranger.
And yes, you are reading this right. The book ate the dog!
Poor Bella. As the book progresses, things become more and more unbelievable. And Bella must finally take charge.
Without spoiling the ending, Bella must get a little help from someone special in order to set everything back to normal.
Even Holmes thinks you should pick up a copy of This Book Just Ate My Dog! at your local indie bookstore.
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