Welcome to 30 Days of Gratitude 2015!
November is an amazing month. It is Picture Book Month, and also PiBoIdMo, and NaNoWriMo. It is also a great time to reset an attitude that needs an adjustment. Instead of celebrating being thankful one day of the month, we can celebrate it every day and we can start now.
In 2013, I did a Thirty Days of Thanksgiving series. Each day, I posted something I was thankful for and featured a picture book. Often the posts were short - just a quick reminder to be thankful. And the picture books didn't necessarily need to have a theme of thanksgiving or gratitude, but just ones that I really loved.
For the past few months, I have been stuck in a rut. I realize that I need to get out and reset. I am hoping that by resurrecting my Thirty Days of Thanksgiving/Gratitude that I will be able to move out of my this funk and into a better place. In David Steindl-Rast' TED Talk "Want to be Happy? Be Grateful", I was struck by the following comments:
"And when we open our hearts to the opportunities, the opportunities invite us to do something, and that is the third. Stop, look, and then go, and really do something. And what we can do is whatever life offers to you in that present moment. Mostly it's the opportunity to enjoy, but sometimes it's something more difficult."
I know that one of my challenges is to appreciate the opportunities that are before me. Not to feel like I missed an opportunity and another one will never come again, but rather to live with the current opportunity and learn what it has for me to learn.
I leave you with Steindl-Rast's TED Talk:
My picture book pick of the day:
Funny Bones: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras
by Duncan Tonatiuh
Abrahms (August 25, 2015)
Given that today is Día de los Muertos, I thought a theme related book was appropriate. Click on the title for my review of the book.