Wandering around the exhibition floor of ALA Midwinter '15, Jen Vincent from Teach Mentor Texts and I met Daniel Nayeri and his clever idea for storytelling called How to Tell a Story. The concept was simple..."read the book, roll the blocks, and build adventures." After chatting for awhile, we let Trevor Ingerson from Workman Publishers that we would be interested in highlighting How to Tell a Story on our blogs. Fast forward 10 months and we are finally able to share our excitement about this with everyone.
What is How to Tell a Story? Check out the video where
Ready to join in on the fun?
Of course, we had to give you an opportunity to join in on all of the fun. Here are the directions to The Why Game, one of the many activities in the book, and below you'll find a handful of blocks so you and your students can play along. Be sure to write down your story ideas or the stories you come up with and come back on Tuesday, 11/10 to share and read what others write too!
Here are some blocks to use with the game:
Share the news about How to Tell a Story Week
Grab the image below and spread the word about How to Tell a Story Week. Please use the hashtag #howtotellastory on Twitter or Instagram to share the news.
Don't miss any of the fun for the How to Tell a Story Tour
Wednesday, 11/4 - Jennifer Reed at Reederama - How To Tell a Story in Action!
Thursday, 11/5 - Aly at Kid Lit Frenzy Interviews Brian Won
Friday, 11/6 - Jen Vincent at Teach Mentor Texts interviews Daniel Nayeri
Monday, 11/9 - Cynthia Alaniz at Librarian In Cute Shoes
Tuesday, 11/10 - Final Celebration at Teach Mentor Texts and Kid Lit Frenzy
*We'll have a Padlet set up where you and your students can share your stories!
We hope you'll check out How To Tell a Story and visit the various blog posts we'll have up to celebrate #howtotellastory week! It is November and NaNoWriMo and PiBoIdMo are here! It would be great if you and your students take a try at The Why Game. We would love to hear what you think and what stories emerge when you give your brain a few ideas to get going. Thanks for stopping by and celebrating with us! We do have a giveaway as well. Thanks to Workman, we have a copy of How To Tell a Story available to five lucky winners with a US mailing address and the sixth winner picked will win a Skype visit with creator, Daniel Nayeri.
Complete the rafflecopter below to enter.