January has been flying by at the speed of light. Despite the frenetic pace, I have been trying to keep track of the small things that I am thankful for. I have been writing one thing in my Bullet Journal each day to remind me of all that I have to be thankful for. Some days it seems hard to come up with even one thing, but most days I find that I have two or three things that come easily to mind. I want more of those days. The days that are easier to see all the good.
One big thing that I am thankful for is the book launch party I was worked on. Last Saturday night, we celebrated Salina Yoon's newest book - BE A FRIEND - with a special launch party at Vroman's Bookstore. I am incredibly thankful for all of the wonderful, creative women I know and call friends who share a love for books and creating very special book events. (for pictures from the event click here)
Photos from the party courtesy of Katie (@pocketofgreen) - to scroll through the photos click on the one below.
I am also thankful for anytime that I get to book talk books to children. This past week, I talked about the ALA Youth Media Award winners, and shared some upcoming releases that I am excited to read.
The book stack I shared with a class of Third Graders.
We even put a Schneider Family Book Award medal on their copy of Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.
One Little Word:
At the beginning of the month, I was trying to figure out my one little word for the year. I was playing around with the words clarity and courage. However, the more I sat with it and the more I talked with another friend about our one little words, I realized that my word for this year is HOPE.
I realized that several years ago I lost hope. Lost the hope that things would and could be different. Lost the hope that allows someone to set a goal and move forward. I even realized recently when talking with my friend that I had started saying "I was afraid to hope for ____."
I am not sure what 2016 has in store for me but I will be looking for hope in small things and big things.
Thank you to Ruth Ayres for hosting Celebrate This Week and the community that participates in it.