For the past 3 years, Kid Lit Frenzy has hosted a Mock Sibert as part of the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge/Wednesdays meme. Each year the Mock Sibert award has grown from just this blog to including Unleashing Readers co-hosting and then to including There’s A Book for That and then to anyone who wanted to participate.
This year, Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers proposed to a small group of us the idea of expanding the Mock Sibert to a Book Group on GoodReads. There are currently groups for a Mock Newbery, and a Mock Caldecott, and a Mock Printz. We felt it was time for a Mock Sibert group. By starting this, we get to discuss books all year long.
Come join us on Goodreads at the Mock Sibert Book Club!
First, go to GROUPS at the top of the Goodreads home page.
Please make sure to answer our new member’s question, and we will approve you to jump into our conversation!
Our plan for the group is for group members to start discussions about any nonfiction books that they feel are 2017 Sibert Award contenders. Then within those discussion boards, we will discuss the books we each “nominate.” At the end of December, we will vote for the books we feel need to be looked at again. We'll then have a FINALISTS discussion board where we look closer at each of the books with an eye specifically towards the Sibert criteria. Following our discussions, we will vote for what we believe will be the finalists. We'll then have a WINNER discussion board where we look again at the books we voted as finalists and discuss who we think will win. About a week before the 2017 ALA Media Awards, with enough time to blog about our winner and finalists, if participants would like, we'll vote for the winner.
Hope you will come join us!
Don't forget to link up your nonfiction reviews: