Today, we did the first day in a 2-day Writing Institute for a number of Principals and Assistant Principals in our District.
We kicked off the training with an invitation for everyone to write. It really is amazing how giving everyone 10-15 minutes to write on whatever topic they would like to write about can be so powerful. When everyone shared out about the experience, there were a lot of comments about how it didn't feel like 10 minutes and "I use to journal...".
As different individuals shared what they wrote, it was exciting to see a different side of these administrators. Some shared a humorous writing piece and others shared childhood memories and others shared important insights. It was incredible to see how the write environment and tone freed up everyone to write.
I look forward to another day of learning tomorrow as we further explore what writing workshop looks like and how to support teachers who will be implementing the workshop model in their classrooms next year.
For the month of March, I will be writing and posting daily as part of the Slice of Life Challenge. Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting the March Slice of Life Challenge.