The Seven Princesses
by Smiljana Coh
Running Press Kids (May 24, 2016)
Fiction * Family * Siblings
Audience: Ages 4 to 8
Indiebound | Worldcat
About the book:
Once upon a time, there were seven princess sisters who did everything together, from horseback riding to jumping in royal leaf piles to throwing legendary piñata parties. But one day, they had the biggest fight in the entire history of princess fighting. There was no worse sound than the sound of this fight. Will the sisters ever find a way to fill their kingdom with sounds of laughter and playing again?
Princesses of all sizes will royally delight in this modern-day fairy tale of sibling rivalry, adventure, and unconditional sisterly love.
Quick thoughts on the book:
If you are looking for a traditional princess book, The Seven Princesses is not that book. The seven princesses in this book are diverse in appearances and talents. Really, this is more of a book about sisters than a book about princesses.
These seven siblings do all things together, every day.
As with any siblings, all that shared time together can and often do lead to arguments. Ask any parent, they can attest to the fact that siblings can have some of the most intense fights. And these seven princesses are no different.
And just like real-life siblings, these princesses learn that time apart is not always as fun as being together. The Seven Princesses will fit in nicely with other anti-princess books and also make a fun read aloud.
Pick up a copy of The Seven Princesses at your local indie bookstore or local library.
Check out the other stops on the tour:
5/18 Anastasia Suen
5/21 Mom Read It
5/23 Reading Through Life