Just in time for National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-12, 2017)....
A Letter to My Teacher
by Deborah Hopkinson; Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
Random House/Schwartz & Wade (April 4, 2017)
Fiction * School * Education
Audience: Ages 4 to 8 years old
Indiebound | WorldCat
Description from GoodReads:
Dear Teacher, Whenever I had something to tell you, I tugged on your shirt and whispered in your ear. This time I'm writing a letter. So begins this picture book about a girl who prefers running and jumping to listening and learning and the teacher who gently inspires her. From stomping through creeks on a field trip to pretending to choke when called upon to read aloud, this book's young heroine would be a challenge to any teacher. But this teacher isn't just any teacher. By listening carefully and knowing just the right thing to say, she quickly learns that the girl's unruly behavior is due to her struggles with reading. And at the very end, we learn what this former student is now: a teacher herself.
Quick thoughts on the book:
We all have one. The one teacher that made a difference in our lives. The one teacher who saw us and really got us. Not just as one of 25 students but as a unique and special individual.
Deborah Hopkinson's new book is out just in time for Teacher Appreciation Week. It is the perfect reminder of how a teacher can make a difference in our lives. One that may even influence our choice of careers in the future.
Maybe it's time to write a letter to a special teacher and celebrate the important work teachers do every day. Pick up a copy of A Letter to My Teacher at your local bookstore and consider a second copy to gift to a special teacher in your life.
Thanks again to Deborah Hopkinson for appearing. For other stops on the Hopkinson Double Blog Tour please check deborahhopkinson.com. #DoubleBlogTour.