For the last six to eight weeks, life has been incredibly hectic. I have been learning a lot about myself too during this time. And one thing that I have learned is that picture book reading can be incredibly restorative and that even when things are simple out of control, I need to find time to sit down and center myself with a stack of books.
This past weekend, I went through a large stack of picture books and here were some of the nonfiction titles that popped out....
Natumi Takes the Lead: The True Story of An Orphan Elephant Who Finds Family by Gerry Ellis, Amy Novesky (National Geographic Children's Books, 2016) - I missed this book last fall and I had it on reserve at the library and it finally came in. I love elephant stories and this one was inspiring.
The Skydiving Beavers: A True Tale by Susan Hood; Illustrated by Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen (Sleeping Bear Press, April 2017) - This is one of those stories that you think would have a "mostly true" added to the title but thanks to the author's note at the end, readers learn more about the skydiving beavers and their true story.
Animals at Night by Anne Jankeliowitch (Sourcebook, October 2, 2017) - This book is a "mark your calendar" book. It comes out in the fall. I found the format and text structure to be fascinating. And though it might be a bit wordy depending on the abilities of the reader, it is worth picking up and checking out.
Historical Fiction Titles - Old & New:
A Voyage in the Clouds: The (Mostly) True Story of the First International Flight by Balloon in 1785 by Matthew Olshan; Illustrated by Sophie Blackall (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, October 2016) - This was another missed title from the fall. Olshan clearly indicates what parts were true and what parts were brushed with creative liberties. It was a fascinating story nonetheless and good to add to the other books about the beginning of hot air balloons.
Miguel's Brave Knight: Young Cervantes and His Dream of Don Quixote by Margarita Engle; Illustrated by Raúl Colón (Peachtree Publishers, October 1, 2017) - I love Margarita Engle's poetry and this read beautifully. Engle, with words, paint a picture of a young Miguel Cervantes and his imagination which led to the writing of Don Quixote. Colón's actual paintings are simply gorgeous. Though not out until October, make sure this is on your "to buy" list.
So, what have you been reading?
Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen @2017
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