Welcome to the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge! When I began this journey in 2012, I never anticipated where it would lead me. Can you believe that we are starting our seventh year? Starting this challenge was one of the best things I have done with the blog. I have read many amazing books, met wonderful authors, illustrators, teachers, librarians, and bloggers, and watched others become excited about new nonfiction books that they discovered as a result of my posts and the others that connect through this community. I am thankful for the way this has enriched my life and hopefully yours as well. As we embark on the seventh year, I am inviting you to join once again.
Last week, I did a Year in Review Post, it also includes a collection of links to a number of key posts from 2017 that you might find interesting. Click here to read that post. Stop by next week to learn about new releases that I am anticipating in 2018.
For those of you, who are new to the Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge, I want to welcome you and encourage you to read the guidelines below.
If you would like to participate in the challenge in 2018, here are the details:
1. Set a goal as to how many nonfiction picture books (or nonfiction MG or YA books) you would like to read over the course of 2018. Maybe you want to read one a month or one a week. Will they all be from 2018 or will you be reading ones previously published? Do you have a gap with a particular area of nonfiction? The important part is to set a goal that will be fun and not stressful.
2. My nonfiction book reviews and posts will be on Wednesdays. There will be a link if you want to connect up one of your reviews or progress towards your goal. If you post on Mondays (Nonfiction Mondays) or Fridays (STEM Fridays), please feel free to link up on Wednesdays with us, we would love to get to know more bloggers talking about nonfiction.
3. There will be interviews, guest posts, giveaways, and new release posts for you to check out.
4. If you would like to participate in this challenge, please link up your blog or GoodReads Shelf using the Widget at the very bottom of the post. Please know that you can join in at anytime throughout the year.
5. If you tweet about what you are reading as part of this challenge, please use the twitter hashtag #nfpb2018.
6. You are welcome to grab the image at the top of the post to use in your weekly posts. Please add a credit to the art (Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen).
On behalf of this community, we welcome your participation and look forward to learning about the books that you have discovered.
Please use the link up widget below to link up a review or your challenge goals.