Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist, Cute Creatures, and a Blog Series Not to Miss

This week’s nonfiction post is a little bit different. I am sharing a middle grade memoir, a picture book, and a blog post.

Path to the Stars: My Journey from Girl Scouts to Rocket Scientist by Sylvia Acevedo (Clarion Books, September 4, 2018)

Acevedo shares her life with young readers in her new memoir. I remember a number of years ago when I was a principal and invited some scientists from JPL to come to my school. My student populations was significantly Latino and I asked if there were any Latinx scientists that could lead the presentation. I wanted my students to see themselves in the individuals talking about their work on the Mars Rover and sharing about rockets. It was a powerful moment for so many of my students. I am glad to have this memoir to share with students and to be able to share it in both English and Spanish.

Check out an interview NPR did with Sylvia Acevedo here.

Here is an interview on CBS This Morning with Acevedo.

Moving on from girl scouts and rocket scientists to cute creatures. Don’t miss Jess Keating’s newest book:

Cute As An Axolotl: Discovering the World’s Most Adorable Animals by Jess Keating and illustrated by David DeGrand (Knopf Books for Young Readers, August 28, 2018)

I love this series and I am plotting a literacy activity with students around the three books in the series.

Finally, if you haven’t been reading Melissa Stewart’s blog, Celebrate Science, then you are missing out on a fabulous resource.

Melissa recently unveiled her new series of posts that she is referring to as DIG DEEPER. Her first post was her own reflections on what inspired her latest book, Pipsqueaks, Slowpokes, and Stinkers (Peachtree Publishers, September 1, 2018). This week, Barb Rosenstock share about the why behind her writing of biographies.

So, what nonfiction books or blogs are you reading?

Artwork by Sarah S. Brannen ©2017

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