Run, Sea Turtle, Run: A Hatchling’s Journey
by Stephen Swinburne, Photographs by Guillaume Feuillet
Millbrook Press (March 3, 2020)
Nonfiction * Animals * Science
Audience: Ages 6 to 9
IndieBound | WorldCat
Description from GoodReads:
"Can you hear me? Scritch, scratch. I'm a little sea turtle inside an egg."
Follow a hatchling's treacherous journey from nest to sea. Longtime science writer Stephen Swinburne creates an engaging first-person narrative from the sea turtle's perspective. Gorgeous photographs by Guillaume Feuillet capture the drama of the hatchlings' race to safety. Back matter includes information on the life cycle of leatherback sea turtles, tips for how readers can assist with sea turtle conservation, and recommended further reading.
Quick thoughts on the book:
If I had to pick three favorite animals, I would probably pick the following - cats (small or big, domestic or wild), sea turtles, and elephants. Of course, I was super excited to see that Swinburne had a new book about sea turtles. For long-term readers of my blog, you may remember that I did a post about Swinburne’s Sea Turtle Scientist. You can read it here.
Once I read the book, my first thought was “Where was this book when I was working with kinders and first graders and doing a series on sea turtles?” I love this page. UP! UP! UP! WE DIG! - Teachers, mark this page for writing workshop and how authors use repetition and font style to bring emphasis to their text.
In addition to Swinburne’s engaging text, I love the photographic work of Guillaume Feuillet. Don’t you just think about being “ready to go” when you see this photograph of a hatchling?
If you don’t see why I am excited about Run, Sea Turtle, Run. Check out this interactive read aloud done by the author.
Thank you to Lerner Publishing and Steve Swinburne for sharing a reading of Run, Sea Turtle, Run. Though you can currently share this video with your students during distance learning. I do hope you will still consider purchasing a copy for your classroom or encouraging your school library to add it to their orders for next school year.
Don’t miss Steve’s special video of his song “One in a Thousand”.
The book concludes with information about the sea turtle including the life cycle, how you can help sea turtles, additional readings and websites.
If you have older readers, don’t forget to check out Steve’s book - Sea Turtle Scientist: Scientist In The Field (HMH Books for Young Readers, 2014).
Check out the official book trailer for Sea Turtle Scientist.
During this COVID-19 Stay Home/Stay Safe time, please consider ordering this book from your local indie bookstore. Both authors and bookstores need your support at this time.
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