Play Like An Animal! Why Critters Splash, Race, Twirl, and Chase
by Maria Gianferrari, Illustrated by Mia Powell
Millbrook Press (April 7, 2020)
Nonfiction * Animals
Audience: Ages 4 to 8
Indiebound | WorldCat
Description of the book from GoodReads: Dash! Hide! Splash! Ride! Exuberant text celebrates all the different ways animals play, from rhinos taking mud baths and parrots somersaulting through the air to kangaroos boxing and dolphins diving through the surf. Additional text explains how playing benefits animals. Fascinating back matter gives more information about the featured animals in the book and encourages readers to make time to play every day!
Quick thoughts about the book:
First, I just want to wish Maria and Mia a Happy Book Birthday! Yesterday (Tuesday, 4/7/20) was the officially book release for Play Like An Animal! Why Critters Splash, Race, Twirl, and Chase. I am excited that this book is finally out in the world and can be shared with young readers.
Play Like An Animal! is definitely a fun read aloud and I am bit sad that I can’t read it aloud in person to a group of children right now, but I am certainly going to keep it in my pile of books to share when school re-opens.
In addition to be an entertaining read aloud, I enjoy finding books that have layers of text. Gianferrari includes fabulous action words to describe how all of the animals in the book play. This is a great way to introduce new vocabulary to children and get up and get moving by acting out the various actions.
The book also includes simple text that when added to action words provide a sense of rhythm to the book. The final element of the Play Like An Animal! is the orange boxes that introduce children to facts about the animals on the pages of the book. These different layers allow the book to be read in different ways. Pull each layer apart for three separate reads or focus on just the flowing text or spend some time with each of the animal facts. However, you choose to read this delightful book, don’t forget to engage in some of your own spirited play.
Gianferrari concludes with several pages of endnotes and back matter, including information about “why play is important” and further information about all of the animals included in the book. There are also several recommendations for further reading.
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About the author: Maria Gianferrari’s childhood playground was nature: climbing trees, playing hide and seek in the cornfield and slapping cow patties for fun! Nowadays she tries to keep the spirit of play alive in her writing. She enjoys playing Dominion with her family sans the curse cards, and her late dog, Becca, was always ready for a game of “catch the flying biscuit.” Find Maria online at
About the illustrator: Mia Powell is a mixed media illustrator based in the United Kingdom. She draws digitally but likes to incorporate handmade textures and elements into her artwork as well. Mia loves to play with her dog, and she has drawn him in the pages of this book. He is black-and-white and loves to chase, especially squirrels. Find Mia online at
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