I’m tired! I don’t know about you but today I felt like I hit a wall. For the past ten weeks, I have done my best to stay at home, and when I do go out, I wear a mask, social distance, and wash my hands a lot. There is a lot of unknown about what will be happening in the next few weeks and the next few months. Forget planning for the next year. I am frustrated with people who don’t believe in science and facts and continue to undermine our ability to deal with this pandemic and keep everyone safe.
As a country, we are mourning the normal routines of our lives that have been disrupted. For others, they are dealing with a loss of income/jobs. For many there is an element of food insecurity and worrying about paying bills. And daily, the news brings up updates about new cases of COVID-19 and more loss of life. Even when an announcement of someone who passed away isn’t related to the corona virus, it is just that much harder to face.
May is National Mental Health Month, and between stressed out teachers, parents, and children, I think we all know people (including ourselves) who need checking on. I really liked this image that was in the California Afterschool Network’s newsletter. It is a good reminder to take care of ourselves and to check in with others.
Source: California Afterschool Network
Resources for Social Emotional support….
California Afterschool Network has a list of resources that includes support hotlines, mindfulness, and information on how COVID-19 is impacting our social emotional health.
National Alliance of Mental Illness has many resources that you may want to explore.
Mental Health America is another website with additional resources and tools to help you learn and thrive.
And if nothing else works…share cute animal pics and videos and send virtual hugs.
Holmes (in front & with attitude) and Watson
Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews….