Back-to-School Guest Post: Louisse Ang from Soul Sisters

As part of my Back-to-School series, I invited friends, authors, librarians, and bloggers to share some of their "school" inspired posts.  Today, I am welcoming Louisse Ang to the blog.  Louisse is a fellow blogger who I have gotten to know through blogging.  She loves reading and tells you why. 

School. The one word that crosses my mind as summer ends. But it is a word filled with so much meaning; seeing your friends, meeting a new batch of teachers and the smell of new books being cracked open by the eager students. I've always been excited for school, that is why people think I'm weird. I also love going to the bookstore and buying new school supplies and the rush of the Back-To-School annual sale.

As I enter school the one thing I look forward to, other than seeing my wonderful friends, is seeing my former Reading teacher, Mrs. Portacion. She is our school's grade school Reading coordinator. We were lucky enough to have her as our teacher last year. She is one of the people who have inspired me to read, besides my mom. She has always encouraged me to continue my reading.

To me, reading books is like a second-nature. Ever since I was a child my mom had already exposed me to books. I started reading when I was around two or three-years-old. I still have most of my childrens' books in my library. My most favorite series would have to be: Nate the Great by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, it is about a boy and his loyal dog who help solve mysteries for their friends. But as I grew older my reading choices changed. Now, my library is over-flowing with YA novels that I sometimes end up stacking them up on the floor instead. I have always had the passion for reading and my wonderful parents have always supported me and have always bought me the books I wanted. They have always believed that I am more mature than other girls and that I should continue to enhance my reading skills.

That's why I asked Keila, my best friend since kindergarten, to help me create Soul Sisters, YA review blog. Keila and I want to spread how awesome books are. We frequently have giveaway because we want to draw people's attention to books. Speaking of giveaways our Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare Giveaway is up, click HERE.

I would really like to thank Aly for letting me do a guest blog post! :) Thank you, Aly!!! :)

Happy Reading,
Soul Sister