Back-to-School Guest Post: The Love of Reading - Pass It On!!

This month I am welcoming authors, bloggers, librarians and teachers to share about "Back-to-School" memories or experiences.  Today's guest blogger is Mel from He Followed Me Home

It all started when my oldest was still in my womb. Yes, I was one of those crazy first time moms who read to their unborn! Even now, every night we read a book together- though many times I thought it was also used as a stall tactic. We started out reading Golden Books, then onto my favorite Eric Carle books, Dr. Seuss and Rober Munsch. Now that he's reading chapter books on his own, it's been Captain Underpants, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and most recently The 39 Clues series. Each night, we still have the bed time story ritual, but now he reads to himself.

Last spring during a parent-teacher interview, I was shocked to hear that some students in my son's Grade 2 class didn't have books at home. This was something I had never really thought of, taking for granted all the books I had growing up, visiting the library & the bookshelves of kids books I've accumulated over the years. It was then that I realized how fortunate my son is to have the love of books supported at home! He is no bookworm by any means. In fact, if given the choice of Lego or reading he'd pick Lego in a heartbeat, but I know the time he does spend getting lost in a book every night is invaluable.

As a mom of two boys, it's doubtful that my love for The Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High or Anne of Green Gables will ever be shared but I'm proud to pass on my love for books. I can't wait for the time he picks up Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl and The Lord of the Rings. What other books do you consider 'must reads' for pre-teen or teen boys?

Thanks Mel for sharing about how you have passed on your love of reading to your sons.  If you want to know more about Mel, check out her blog: He Followed Me Home