It's Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA (26)

It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Jen & Kellee from Teach Mentor Texts have adapted this to focus on Picture Books to Young Adult Books.

Last week, I missed posting on Monday!  With Fifth Grade promotion happening and a bunch of other things, blogging just wasn't happening. Now that school is out, I am hoping to get back into a regular posting schedule and reading schedule.   

Here are some favorites from the last two weeks:

Darth Vader and Son by Jeffrey Brown - This is a fun one for Star Wars fans and dads.

Walking on Earth and Touching the Sky: Poetry and Prose by Lakota Youth at Red Cloud Indian School by Timothy P. McLaughlin (editor) - Why didn't I find this one during National Poetry Month? The illustrations are beautiful and the poems touching.

It's a Tiger by David LaRochelle - This isn't out yet, but I really like this one for a read aloud.  Review coming soon.

The Hueys in the New Sweater by Oliver Jeffers - I think I love everything Jeffers does.

North: The Amazing Story of Artic Migration by Nick Dowson; Illustrated by Patrick Benson - Beautifully illustrated and informative.

A Home for Bird by Philip C. Stead - I loved when I came to the end of this one.  Just fun!

So, what are you reading this week?

Show Me a Story! Why Picture Books Matter: Conversations with 21 of the World's Most Celebrated Illustrators by Leonard S. Marcus (editor)