Hot Off the Press! - 8/12/12

Hot Off the Press is fairly regular feature focusing on picture books that are recent releases.  I usually base the post on my weekly visits to Vroman's Bookstore or Mrs. Nelson's Bookstore in LaVerne.  The following titles can be found at either bookstore.

Here are some of the recent picture book releases out in the wild....

Pat the Zoo (Pat the Bunny) by Golden Books, LV Studio - Fans of the original Pat the Bunny book can have a new adventure - this time a trip to the zoo.  Though larger in format than the original book, there is still a lot of fun with this interactive touching book.

Vampirina Ballerina by Anne Marie Pace; Illustrated by LeUyen Pham - This book is actually quite funny despite hitting every vampire cliche. I even enjoyed it more than some other ballet/ballerina picture books that have come out this year.

Last Laughs: Animal Epitaphs by J. Patrick Lewis, Jane Yolen; Illustrated by Jeffrey Stewart Timmins - This dark and somewhat macabre picture book pairs the death of various animals with some great poetry.  I can see this one being a hit with upper elementary age kids.