My Picture Book 10 for 10

This is the 3rd year that Cathy from Reflect & Refine: Building a Learning Community and Mandy from Enjoy and Embrace Learning are hosting the Picture Book 10 for 10 event (#pb10for10 ) on August 10, 2012.  I have no idea how I missed this the past two years considering my love for picture books.  However, I am joining in this year. 

Here is my list of 10 picture books for the 10 for 10 event...

The titles that I can read from memory because I read them so many times when I was first teaching preschool and kindergarten:

Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom; Illustrated by Bruce Degen

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, John Archambault; Illustrated by Lois Ehlert

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams; Illustrated by Megan Lloyd

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.; Illustrated by Eric Carle

The book that reminds me of who I would love to become when I "grow" up...

Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney

The non-Halloween book that can also be read at Halloween or as a bedtime story...

Boris and Bella by Carolyn Crimi; Illustrated by Gris Grimly

The book that celebrates unique personality traits and is a great read aloud...

Effie by Beverly Allinson; Illustrated by Beverly Reid

The picture books that should have been Caldecott Winners....

Chalk by Bill Thomson

Stars by Mary Lyn Ray; Illustrated by Marla Frazee

The first children's book I ever got signed...

Tomie dePaola's Favorite Nursery Tales by Tomie dePaola

If you are interested in seeing my top 10 picture books of 2012 at the half-way mark, click here.

Don't forget to check out the hashtag #pb10for10 to catch the tweets about other bloggers who are joining in on this event.  Also follow @cathymere and @mandyrobek to also track down tweets about all these great books.

And stop by and leave a comment with some of your favorite titles.