Nonfiction Picture Book Releases - October 2012

The Nonfiction Detectives and I are hosting a Non-Fiction Picture Book Challenge.  My goal has been to kick off the month with the new nonfiction picture book release titles.  Here are the October titles that I have found so far, but I know there are more.  Please share with me titles that you have found.

October 1, 2012

Being a Stunt Performer by Isabel Thomas

October 9, 2012

Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird A True Story by Stephanie Spinner; Illustrated by Meilo So
October 11, 2012

Becoming a Ballerina: A Nutcracker Story by Lise Friedman; Illustrated/Photographed by Mary Dowdle

October 16, 2012

Helen's Big World by Doreen Rappaport; Illustrated by Matt Tavares

October 23, 2012

Noah Webster and His Big Words by Jeri Chase Ferris; Illustrated by Vincent X. Kirsch

October 30, 2012

Girls Who Rocked the World: Heroines from Joan of Arc to Mother Teresa by Michelle Roehm McMann; Illustrated by Amelie Welden, David Hahn

The links for the above books will take you directly to the book page for purchasing information, unless otherwise noted.  Please note, I do not make anything off these links or profit in anyway from posting the links.   I know that I am still searching for October releases and will likely do an update later in the month. If you know of a book that should be included in this list, please include the title and author in the comments section and I will update the list.

Feel free to link your nonfiction picture book reviews to the Mr. Linky below.