It's Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA - 6/3/13

It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Jen & Kellee from Teach Mentor Texts have adapted this to focus on Picture Books to Young Adult Books.

As I write this post, I feel like a slacker.  However, I really was reading.  Unfortunately, several of the books were books for award consideration, and I can't talk about them.  Let me just say that it is going to be hard this year to pick my favorite middle grade novel for the award.  So far there are several that I love.

Here is what I read that I can talk about:

Doll Bones by Holly Black (Simon & Schuster, May 7, 2013) - I will be posting a review on Friday, but what I will say - go purchase this book.  It is so brilliantly written. 

Here is what I am reading this week that I can share:

The Wig in the Window by Kristen Kittscher (HarperCollins, June 18, 2013) - I read this back in November but I am re-reading it in preparation for my blog post for Kristen's Blog Tour. This will be out in time for #bookaday

The Water Castle by Megan Frazer Blackmore (Walker Children's, January 8, 2013) - I have heard amazing things about this one.

Notice and Note Strategies for Close Reading by Kylene Beers & Robert E. Probst (Heinemann,  2013) - I just found out that there will be a twitter chat for this book on Thursday, June 6, 2013.

Upcoming New Releases that I am looking forward to reading:

Every Day After by Laura Golden (Delacorte, June 11, 2013)

Ghost Hawk by Susan Cooper (Simon & Schuster, August 27, 2013)