Several weeks ago, I read and reviewed Doll Bones by Holly Black. It is one of my favorite books this year. As a result of my tweeting about the book, others started reading it. I thought it would be fun to do a twitter chat with the book. Sasha Reinhardt, 8th Grade ELA Teacher from KY and blogger over at Middle Grade Reads, offered to co-host the chat.
As I thought about it, I began to wonder if maybe Holly Black would be able to join in. I sent off an email to Simon & Schuster with my proposal for the chat and asking if Holly would be able to join us. After several emails and some clarifying times and dates, it is official. We are having a twitter chat.
Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2013
Time: 8 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. Pacific) - The chat will run for an hour.
Hashtag: #dollbones
Closer to the date, I will post a little bit more about Twitter Chats for those who have never participated.
Until then, you have just under three weeks to find a copy of and read Doll Bones by Holly Black.
Sasha and I look forward to talking about the book with everyone and having an opportunity to ask Holly some questions.
By the way, if you don't want to wait for August 15th or just want to talk about Doll Bones all the time, you can join @daydreamreader and @epan11 for a #virtualbookclub on Aug. 5th at 9 p.m. EST!