This year's Banned Books Week Hop is hosted by Mary of BookHounds and Kathy of I am a Reader, Not a Writer.
One aspect of a free society is the right to read what you want. Though I don't believe that all books are right for everyone, I do believe that people have the right to decide what is best for them. Are you looking for ways to celebrate Banned Books Week or to provide information to other teachers and parents about Freedom to Read? Here are some resources/links that you will want to check out in order to celebrate Banned Books Week 2013.
Banned Books Week Website
* Banned Books Week YouTube Channel
* Banned Books Pinterest Page
ALA's Banned Books Week Resource Page
* Frequently Challenged Books List
National Council of Teachers of English Celebrate Banned Books Week
• NCTE celebrates with a Twitter Chat #nctechat on 9/22 at 8 p.m. ET -
Join Teri Lesesne @professornana and Laurie Halse Anderson @halseanderson
To Celebrate Banned Books Week 2013 I am giving away one book of your choice (must be on a banned books list) worth $15 or less.
To enter the giveaway, please complete the Rafflecopter form below. You must be 13 or older and have a U.S. mailing address.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check out the other blogs participating in the Giveaway Hop