Mitchell Goes Bowling Blog Tour and Special Author & lllustrator Interview

Today I am thrilled to have author, Hallie Durand and illustrator, Tony Fucile stop by Kid Lit Frenzy. Check out this great interview where Hallie and Tony interview each other about bowling.

Tony Fucile interviews Hallie Durand

Who, from the Durand clan, has the best “strike” celebration dance?

I’d have to award this to my husband Michael. While he was fulfilling his ROTC obligation in Germany, he had his own “turkey” dance (“turkey” is three strikes in a row). The “dance” consisted of: shooting index fingers to the right, then left (quickly and with attitude), a 360-degree turn, and then a split. Pretty impressive, especially cause he could stand up right after the split! (He’s a good dancer.)

Describe your image of the perfect bowling ball.

The perfect bowling ball is not too heavy, and my fingers fit perfectly in the holes. Then the ball moves strong and fast down the lane and knocks all the pins down. The ball is red.

Who’s the most competitive bowler in the family?

That might be a tie, because we’re all fairly bad at the game, but we love to get Xs and we all hoot and holler when all those pins go down. My son has the hardest time with being behind, but he is also the youngest, 8. He has no problem letting loose when he gets a strike (none of us do!). We all need a few mozzarella sticks when we’re losing.

Who’s your favorite fictional bowler (excluding Dad and Mitchell)?

He’s in my mind. And he’s a raccoon who washes the ball with his little hand claws before he bowls. We had a pet raccoon when I was little, and he always washed his hard-boiled eggs with his hand claws. I’d like to see that raccoon bowl! Go Bandit!!

Hallie Durand interviews Tony Fucile

What’s your bowling average, and do you use gutter guards?

Since having kids I use gutter guards. It’s fun! The guards allow me to experiment with different deliveries and throwing techniques (mostly stuff I learned from watching The Flintstones) that would ordinarily land my ball in the next lane or two. I’ve never figured out a bowling average (I like to look on the bright side of things).

How did you nail the illustration of Dad’s “triple steamin’ hot potato dance?” How did you figure out how to draw this, cause it’s perfect!?

I shot video of myself and then selected poses from the footage to draw from. It always helps to get up and physically act things out to get fresh ideas. You never fail to surprise yourself with something. In this case something pretty ridiculous. This is why the evidence has been destroyed.

What do you snack on when you’re bowling?

Anything with melted cheese on it. That includes beer.

October is National Learn to Bowl Month. Celebrate with Mitchell Goes Bowling by Hallie Durand and illustrated by Tony Fucile.

About the Author:
Hallie Durand is the author of Mitchell’s License, now available in paperback as Mitchell Goes Driving, among other books for children. About Mitchell Goes Bowling, she says, "I love hanging out at the lanes with my crew, especially when I get a couple of Xs!" She lives with her family in Maplewood, New Jersey. To learn more, visit her website at

About the Illustrator:
Tony Fucile is the author-illustrator of Let's Do Nothing! as well as the illustrator of the Bink & Gollie series by Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee. He has spent more than twenty years designing and animating characters for numerous feature films, including The Lion King, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles. He lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay area.

Readers can follow Mitchell as he tours the web! 

Sat, Oct 5Booking Mama
Mon, Oct 7The Children's Book Review
Tues, Oct 8Susan Heim on Parenting
Wed, Oct 9Sharpread
Thurs, Oct 10There's a Book
Fri, Oct 11Just a Little Creativity
Mon, Oct 14Once Upon a Story
Tues, Oct 15Geo Librarian
Wed, Oct 165 Minutes for Books
Thurs, Oct 17Kid Lit Frenzy
Fri, Oct 18As They Grow Up

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