Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 1

Today is the first day of November.  Its the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving.  However, so often food preparation and eating, holiday sales, and general busy lives crowd out time to express gratitude.  I have a lot to be thankful for and need to take a moment to acknowledge those things.

So, today I am thankful for....

.....the community of friends that surround me and remind me of how rich my life really is.

.....homemade brownies baked with snickers that a friend made.

....a moment of quiet to reflect on all the amazing things in the world.

Also, today kicks of Picture Book Month.  And what better way to celebrate than by reading...

Edited with reflections by 
Katherine Paterson
Illustrated by Pamela Dalton
Chronicle Books (October 15, 2013)

What are you thankful for?