Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 29

Today, I had a chance to just hang with my family.  My sister and aunt went out for tea in the morning at a little Tea Room in my hometown. Yes, I was surprised that my small hometown has a Tea Room.  Pasadena has about six or eight of them, so, I am spoiled.  I am not sure that there are even that many in the whole state of Connecticut (trust me, we googled them and couldn't find that many), and one of them is in our tiny town.

I, also, had a chance to go out for pizza with everyone to my favorite place (Ernie's in New Haven).  I tried to get there back in July but they are a small family business and were closed for the two weeks I was home.  I decided tonight that I could literally give up pizza if I could have it every time I cam home. California doesn't know what it is missing.

So, I am thankful for family even if at times they drive you crazy.  I am thankful for the burnt roof of my mouth from that oh too hot first bite of pizza.  I am thankful for the chance to extend my trip east to hang with my family even for a few days. 

..and in honor of Picture Book Month, here is my recommendation:

by Melissa Stewart; Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum
Peachtree Publishers (2009)