Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 6

I am thankful for all the children that are in my life. Many of my friends have been great at sharing their kids with me.  And of course, I have been fortunate to spend time with students at school.

However, there are three kids in particular that I spend lots of time with.  They are like family to me.  Tonight, we hung out having dinner together.  I love listening to what they come up with.  Many times they make me smile and laugh.  Sometimes, they make me nervous, especially as they are struggling through new and scary things.  Occasionally, they make me want to scream or cry. 

Tonight, though, it was smiles and laughter....

...we discussed what food we could make for extra credit in a cooking class.

...we laughed as we watched (over and over again) the book trailer for FOSSIL.

...we laughed over funny parts in stories being read aloud.

...we bantered back and forth over listening to audiobooks vs. reading with your eyes or even having a book read aloud.

...we talked about the word that we will never forget because we couldn't spell it during a spelling competition.

...we even had the oddest conversation about The "Common Core" (It was interesting to see how they were interpreting these words that they have heard thrown around at school.)

...we explored books in my house and discussed which books might be good for their dad who is recovering from surgery. We decided on the funny ones.

I am reminded that these moments fly by quickly and that I need to capture and cherish them.  And for this, I am thankful.

....and since this is also picture book month, here is my daily picture book recommendation in honor of David Shannon being at one of our schools today:

by David Shannon
Blue Sky Press (August 27, 2013)

What are you thankful for?