Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday - 2013 Wrap Up

At the beginning of 2012, I challenged myself to read more Nonfiction Picture Books.  I continued the challenge into 2013 and was excited to see more people joining in and linking up their nonfiction picture book reviews and posts.  Since this is technically the last Wednesday in 2013, I wanted to look back and see how I did.

Throughout the year, I read 54 nonfiction picture books and 25 more nonfiction books from previous years.  I had so many more on my list, but just ran out of time. Here are some of my favorites (in no particular order) from 2013....

No Monkeys, No Chocolate by Melissa Stewart,  Allen Young; Illustrated by  Nicole Wong (Charlesbridge Publishing, August 1, 2013)

Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtmakers' Strike of 1909 by Michelle Markel; Illustrated by Melissa Sweet

Parrots Over Puerto Rico by Susan L. Roth, Illustrated by Cindy Trumbore (Lee & Low, September 1, 2013)

Papa is a Poet: A Story About Robert Frost by Natalie S. Bober; Illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon (Henry Holt and Co., October 15, 2013)

Lifetime: The Amazing Numbers in Animal Lives by Lola M. Schaefer; Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal (Chronicle Books, September 24, 2013)

The Tree Lady: The True Story of How One Tree-Loving Woman Changed a City Forever by H. Joseph Hopkins; Illustrated by Jill McElmurry (Beach Lane Books; September 17, 2013)

Flying Solo: How Ruth Elder Soared Into America's Hearts by Julie Cummins; Illustrated by Malene R Laugesen (Roaring Brook Press, July 23, 2013)

The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligeman; Illustrated by LeUyen Pham (Roaring Brook Press, June 25, 2013)

The Beatles Were Fab (And They Were Funny) by Kathleen Krull, Paul Brewer; Illustrated by Stacy Innerst (HMH Books for Young Readers, March 19, 2013)

Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson (Katherine Tegen Books, January 2, 2013)

What were your favorite nonfiction picture books in 2013?

Don't forget to link up your nonfiction reviews and end of the year wrap ups.