Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge 2014

This will be my third year of doing a Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge.  At first, it was a way to challenge myself to read more nonfiction picture books.  It was wonderful to find so many special books.  Now, I have found that it has become a wonderful habit and one that I am not ready to give up.  Since I had a lot of fun with this challenge last year, I am hosting it again this year.   

Though I did not read as many books as I hoped last year, I am rolling up my sleeves and diving into the new year with new goals.  I am also hoping that many of you will continue your nonfiction posts because I loved reading what others had posted as well.   

My goal will be to read as many 2014 informational picture books that I can find and try to increase my reading of MG/YA nonfiction books of longer lengths.

Here are the details if you would like to participate in the challenge:

 1. Set a goal as to how many nonfiction picture books (or nonfiction MG or YA books)  you would like to read over the course of 2014. Maybe you want to read one a month or one a week. Will they all be from 2014 or will you be reading ones previously published? Set a goal that will be fun and not stressful.

2. I will be posting my nonfiction book reviews and posts on Wednesdays.  There will be a link if you want to connect up one of your reviews or progress towards your goal.

3. There will be a few giveaways. Keep an eye out for details.

4. If you would like to participate in this challenge, please link up your blog or GoodReads Shelf using the Widget below.

5. If you tweet about what you are reading as part of this challenge, please use the twitter hashtag #nfpb2014.

6. Finally, I am still working on the Challenge images to be used in this blog post, but I should have them for you to grab soon.  You are welcome to copy the one at the top of this for now. Good luck everyone and happy reading in 2014.