Thank you everyone for all of the great posts each week for the
Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge 2014
. Last week, I posted some new releases that are coming out this month. Today, I am going to update with some books I recently read.
Here is what jumped out of the pile this week....
Stone Giant: Michelangelo's David and How He Came to Be
by Jane Sutcliffe; Illustrated by John Shelley (Charlesbridge, April 8, 2014) -An enjoyable look at how the statute of David came to be. Since I did not know much back history on this one, I really liked it. The author's note at the end provides readers with additional information about how the statute needed to eventually be cared for and some more facts.
Jubilee! One Man's Big, Bold, and Very, Very Loud Celebration of Peace
by Alicia Potter; Illustrated by Matt Tavares (Candlewick, Apri 8, 2014) - Imagine having such a passion for music and wanting to see a huge celebration for this special music. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore did want to conduct the largest band and he wanted to celebrate the soldiers who fought in the Civil War. In 1869 in Boston, Gilmore gets to see his dream become reality. The end notes provide readers with additional information on Gilmore that I found helpful.
by Maria Fasal Faulconer, Illustrated by (Dial, April 3, 2014) - A very sweet story about a baby gorilla who is eventually adopted by another female gorilla when his mother is unable to care for him. The notes at the end provide further information about Umande.
Don't forget to link up your nonfiction reviews here...