Winter Wishlist 2011

My wonderful buddies - Alethea, Kimberly, & Thuy - over at Read Now, Sleep Later  are hosting a seasonal meme that is perfect for this time a year and for all you book lovers out there.  Here's the lowdown on what you can expect:

Week 1: Write about Books or Bookish Things that you would love to get.
Week 2: Write about Books or Bookish Things that you would love to give.
Week 3: Write about a charity/nonprofit/community group that works with books and/or literacy.

Week One - Books or Bookish Things that I would love to get:

I joke that I would rather get a book or some kind of techie toy than jewelry, but if you haven't seen Viviane Hebel's book related jewelry then you need to check out her Etsy page or her website.  Viviane specializes in jewelry related to the books of authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.  

I had a hard time choosing from all of the Curse Worker creations (based on The Curse Worker Series by author Holly Black which I love by the way), but I finally settled on her Transformation Protection Charm Pendant.  Isn't it beautiful?

You can check out this and other designs by Viviane by clicking here.  You can also check out her website: to see all of her book related jewelry.  Or you can follow her on twitter:  @hebeldesign