After months and months of waiting for Kristen Kittscher's The Wig in the Window to be available for everyone to enjoy, over 150 people gathered together at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena to celebrate. And celebrate we did.
There were yin and yang cookies to celebrate the characters Sophie Young and Grace Yang. The cookies were very delicious and made by Lara Fiedler.
Colleen from Vroman's introduced Kristen Kittscher. For a debut author, Kristen never appeared nervous. She was charming, and funny, and very appreciative of all the wonderful folks who helped make the evening a reality.
I loved that there was a dramatic reading of one of the passages from the book. This was a very fun alternative to the traditional reading of a section of the book. It really made it come alive for everyone.
The "real life" Young and Yang were in the audience complete with wigs. Along with the animated book trailer, Kristen showed the original interview video.
Ingrid Sundberg didn't need a wig for the evening. Her beautiful hair matched the cover colors of the Kristen's book. Ingrid was working with Russell Gearheart who provided a photo booth for the evening. For some amazing photos from the event, check out Russell Gearheart Photography's event page here.
I was so glad to have been a part of such a wonderful evening and to celebrate with Kristen on the release of her book. If you haven't added The Wig in the Window to your "to-read" pile, please consider picking up a copy at your local independent bookstore.
There were yin and yang cookies to celebrate the characters Sophie Young and Grace Yang. The cookies were very delicious and made by Lara Fiedler.
Colleen from Vroman's introduced Kristen Kittscher. For a debut author, Kristen never appeared nervous. She was charming, and funny, and very appreciative of all the wonderful folks who helped make the evening a reality.
I loved that there was a dramatic reading of one of the passages from the book. This was a very fun alternative to the traditional reading of a section of the book. It really made it come alive for everyone.
The "real life" Young and Yang were in the audience complete with wigs. Along with the animated book trailer, Kristen showed the original interview video.
Ingrid Sundberg didn't need a wig for the evening. Her beautiful hair matched the cover colors of the Kristen's book. Ingrid was working with Russell Gearheart who provided a photo booth for the evening. For some amazing photos from the event, check out Russell Gearheart Photography's event page here.
I was so glad to have been a part of such a wonderful evening and to celebrate with Kristen on the release of her book. If you haven't added The Wig in the Window to your "to-read" pile, please consider picking up a copy at your local independent bookstore.