Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 9

It's late but I am determined to get something up.  Today was a very special day and I have lot to share but here are some of the quick things that I am thankful for.

This morning I attended the Children's Literature Council's Fall Gala and got to hear Linda Sue Park.  Her presentation was warm and inspiring. Simply, she was marvelous as a speaker.

I was excited to get A Long Walk to Water signed by her.

Then in the late afternoon and early evening, I went to see The Book Thief movie with several friends.  I know that often books to movies are not well done, but this one was a strong movie and I do hope more people will pick up this fabulous book to read.

....and since this is also picture book month, here is my daily picture book recommendation.  It is in honor of Linda Sue Park's new picture book:

by Linda Sue Park; Illustrated by Matt Phelan
Clarion Books (September 3, 2013)

Watch the book trailer for Xander's Panda Party:

What are you thankful for?

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 8

Today is Friday.  It's the start of a three day weekend. And for that I am thankful.  I am also thankful for...

....Friday movie night with my favorite girls.

....having some time to read this weekend. 

...managing to get 8 Thanksgiving posts up this week.

....and since this is also picture book month, here is my daily picture book recommendation:

by Kimberly and James Dean
HarperCollins (October 1, 2013)

Check out the book trailer for the book:

What are you thankful for?

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 7

I am not by nature an overall cheery person.  I tend to run serious, and even a bit more intense.  Often, I truly am puzzled by how some people can exhibit a genuinely happy and bubbly personality all the time and without apparent effort.    Since I am afraid that I am not able to change my temperament, all I can do is make a much more conscious effort to express my gratitude on a daily basis.  Hopefully then, it will become habit.  If nothing else, my "Thirty Days of Thanksgiving" posts, are making me more aware, each day, of the little things that I am thankful for. 

 Today, I could have easily overlooked all of these things, but glad that I had a chance to reflect on the day and identify some of the things that were special.  I was thankful for...

....completing 3 days of trainings that I have been leading for my district.

....for the 7 yro KK who asked on her own to read with me this evening (rather than be reminded to read).

....for the conversation I had with 12 yro Jax about why wolves still need to be on the "protected" list (she could lead the debate team on this one).

....for a new phone for the house that actually works.
....and since this is also picture book month, here is my daily picture book recommendation:

by Aaron Becker
Candlewick Press (August 6, 2013)

Check out the book trailer for JOURNEY:

What are you thankful for?

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 6

I am thankful for all the children that are in my life. Many of my friends have been great at sharing their kids with me.  And of course, I have been fortunate to spend time with students at school.

However, there are three kids in particular that I spend lots of time with.  They are like family to me.  Tonight, we hung out having dinner together.  I love listening to what they come up with.  Many times they make me smile and laugh.  Sometimes, they make me nervous, especially as they are struggling through new and scary things.  Occasionally, they make me want to scream or cry. 

Tonight, though, it was smiles and laughter....

...we discussed what food we could make for extra credit in a cooking class.

...we laughed as we watched (over and over again) the book trailer for FOSSIL.

...we laughed over funny parts in stories being read aloud.

...we bantered back and forth over listening to audiobooks vs. reading with your eyes or even having a book read aloud.

...we talked about the word that we will never forget because we couldn't spell it during a spelling competition.

...we even had the oddest conversation about The "Common Core" (It was interesting to see how they were interpreting these words that they have heard thrown around at school.)

...we explored books in my house and discussed which books might be good for their dad who is recovering from surgery. We decided on the funny ones.

I am reminded that these moments fly by quickly and that I need to capture and cherish them.  And for this, I am thankful.

....and since this is also picture book month, here is my daily picture book recommendation in honor of David Shannon being at one of our schools today:

by David Shannon
Blue Sky Press (August 27, 2013)

What are you thankful for?


Thirty Days of Thanksgiving - Day 5

Sometimes, I have moments when I cannot believe that I am living my own life.  Today, was one of those days.  I had the very amazing opportunity to spend several hours with Bill Thomson (CHALK, FOSSIL).  Look for my post on November 17th as part of the FOSSIL blog tour for more details.  We talked a lot about FOSSIL and even some about his next book. We stopped by KidSpace where I introduced him to Susan Cardosi-Albert, and then stopped in to see Maureen Palacios, owner of Once Upon a Bookstore on our way to dinner. 

I am truly thankful for the way books have led me on a journey to some fabulous people.

I am also thankful that my copy of READING IN THE WILD by Donalyn Miller arrived at my house today.  I can't wait to read it.

....and since this is also picture book month, I am taking a moment to wish Bill Thomson a Happy Book Birthday.  FOSSIL is now available.  Check out this fantastic book trailer for FOSSIL:

What are you thankful for?