Yesterday, I had an epiphany. One of those unexpected thoughts of clarity that pop into your head at the most unexpected time and become life changing. One of those things that you should have known or others tried to tell you but you weren't ready to hear. Sometimes you just need to be in a place when you are ready to hear it. It doesn't really matter where I was or what was happening at the moment just that it was enough to finally help me see what I had been avoiding.
You wonder what my epiphany was? I realized that I needed to find myself. The part of me that makes me - well me. Yes, it sounds a bit existential but I have no plans to pack a bag and go on some journey to the mountains.
Sometimes I wonder, where did I loose that "me"? Maybe it was when I stopped listening to the things I know deep inside were right and instead started to allow other voices to dominate. As I look back, I realized it started slowly and innocently enough. It fell under the category of self-reflection and wanting to grow and improve. All good things. However, I started to allow others to give counsel and did not recognize at the time that their counsel was flawed. Their feedback about things were based on what they wanted rather than what might actually be good for me. As I result, I ended up off course and wandering around lost.
Now that I am no longer lost, it feels good to finally be back on track. It will be good to see where the road goes.
For the month of March, I will be writing and posting daily as part of the Slice of Life Challenge. Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting the March Slice of Life Challenge.