Crossroads Blog Tour Day Two Part Two: Interview with Shannon Delany

Our second interview for the day is with author, Shannon Delany.  We would like to welcome her back to Kid Lit Frenzy. 

What is your most embarrassing/funny/scary Halloween experience or costume? 

Oh, I’m so dull... Oh! Almost swallowed a vampire fang once... Halloween wasn’t big were I grew up. Our houses were spread too far apart for serious trick or treating unless you could convince someone to drag you into town. We had an annual Halloween parade and costume judging (and I won a bunch of times—I think it’s because I always found an excuse to carry a freakishly cute kitten...).

When authors create a world for a series there are rules they need to stick with for consistency, are there things you would change in your book world that you didn’t foresee being an issue initially?

Pffft. At this point in my series, having learned the lessons I have (and knowing there’s really nothing I can do to change things in them now) I’d totally redo the whole series. I’d add more layers and hint at things earlier.

What was the most surprising thing that you discovered about one of your characters that you didn’t see coming? 

I didn’t expect Max to grow into such a heroic personality. I thought he’d be my bad boy and stay in the shadows throughout the 13 to Life series, but he sort of burst onto the scene and kept making himself known until I understood his part better.

What was your favorite book as a child that you have chosen to read or share with your own child?

The Giving Tree. Best. Book. Ever. It summarizes true love beautifully and simply. If you can get kids to understand that book and really embrace it they’ll understand what it means to give with your whole heart and love unconditionally regardless of what someone takes from you.

Hey readers - Thanks for checking out Shannon's interview and hope you check out all of the other great posts that make up The Crossroads Blog Tour.  During the 8 days of the blog tour, there will be opportunity to win some great swag from our featured authors.  There will be a post shortly with more details for entering to win.

Newest/Upcoming Releases: 13 to Life, Secrets and Shadows, Bargains and Betrayals (2011)


Twitter: @shannon_delany