Crossroads Tour Day Two Part 1: Interview With Carrie Harris

Hope you had fun with yesterday's  posts for The Crossroads Blog Tour.  Each day, a new research question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors.

Remember, your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween.

Answers are to be emailed to by October 31st at MIDNIGHT.

Winner of the grand prize will be announced on November 1st, the DAY OF THE DEAD.

Follow the tour on Twitter: @TheCrossroadsBT and Facebook: 
BRIDGE Social Media is holding a special promotion for public libraries. Libraries that actively promote the Crossroads tour (post a link on their website, mention it in their newsletters, etc) can email us proof of their promotional activities by midnight on OCTOBER 31st to be entered in a draw to win a FREE SKYPE AUTHOR VISIT FOR THEIR LIBRARIES – WITH BEST-SELLING YA AUTHOR, RACHEL VINCENT.

For today's Crossroads Post, we have interviews with two wonderful authors.  First up....Carrie Harris.

What is your most embarrassing/funny/scary Halloween experience or costume? 

One year in college, I went to a party dressed like a slasher film cheerleader. I went all out, too. I had pigtails with ribbons and a cheerleader uniform and a slit throat dribbling blood all over the place. As I was driving to the party, which was a week or two before Halloween, a little old couple in the car next to me stared so hard that they actually drove off the road. I’m ridiculously proud of that, but only because no one got hurt. I still have the costume, too.

Who was the most difficult character for you to write and why? 

Aaron is very tough for me to deal with. On one hand, he’s totally the kind of guy who would rush to the rescue. But on the other, Kate is so fiercely independent that she would eviscerate anyone who put on metal pants and tried to save her…even if they looked fabulous in metal pants as I’m sure Aaron would. So on one hand, I feel sorry for Aaron because he could totally be useful if Kate would only TELL HIM THINGS. But on the other, I admire her for her determination to solve her own problems. That’s been a very tough dynamic to write.

What has been one of the most surprising things about being an author that you didn’t expect?

I didn’t realize how much work there is beyond the actual writing! In the past week, I blogged, tweeted, answered interviews (like this one!), talked to the local newspaper about a feature, talked to a librarian about visiting her school, made arrangements to appear at a book fair, ordered books for another book fair, put together packages of bookmarks for teachers, and ordered more bookmarks. I also researched minutiae for my copy edits (like—does a stun gun have a button or a trigger?). I get tired just reading all that.

Have you always been interested in zombies or scary stories or did the idea for your book just sort of presented itself one day?

I’ve always been a huge monsterphile. Zombie movies in particular always crack me up, because movie characters never seem to have any problem believing that their neighbors are turning into zombies. Um, hello? Only crazy people think things like that. So I started off thinking I might want to do a book about a completely rational person who discovers a zombie virus. And then I started mashing it together with other ideas that I had floating around in my head, kind of like a math project gone completely whack-a-ding-hoy. So BAD TASTE IN BOYS is really Frankensteinian weird science plus the undead football players from Beetlejuice divided by high school geekery. If math books were more like that, I might have become a mathematician.

Hey readers - Thanks for checking out Carrie's interview and hope you check out all of the other great posts that make up The Crossroads Blog Tour.  During the 8 days of the blog tour, there will be opportunity to win some great swag from our featured authors.  There will be a post shortly with more details for entering to win.

Newest/Upcoming Releases: Bad Taste In Boys (2011)


Twitter: @carrharr