2012 CYBILS Judges are Announced

Today, the Judges for the 2012 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards was announced.  The amazing Jen Robinson (@JensBookPage) has been busy tweeting the announcements all day.  Click here to see all of the categories and the Round 1 and Round 2 judges for each category.

I am so excited that I get to serve for a second year as a Round 2 Book App Judge.  Here are all of my fellow Book App Judges - Certainly an impressive list:

Cybils Book Apps Round 1:
  1. Cathy Potter - The Nonfiction Detectives http://www.nonfictiondetectives.com/ - @cppotter
  2. Paula Willey - PinkMe http://pinkme.typepad.com/ - @pwbalto
  3. Carissa Kluver - Digital Media Diet http://digitalmediadiet.com/ - @iPad_storytime
  4. Lalitha Nataraj - Masala Reader  http://masalareader.wordpress.com/- @librarian_lali
  5. Lisa von Drasek - Early Word Kids http://www.earlyword.com/category/childrens-and-ya/ - @lvondrasek

Cybils Book Apps Round 2:
  1. Helen Dineen - CAppTivated Kids - http://Capptivatedkids.wordpress.com/ - @aitcheldee
  2. Alyson Beecher - KidLitFrenzy - http://www.kidlitfrenzy.com/ - @alybee930
  3. Sara Bryce - Bryce Don’t Play - http://brycedontplay.blogspot.com/ - @PLSanders
  4. Elisabeth LeBris - lebrisary http://lebrisary.blogspot.com/ - @elebris
  5. Melissa Wiley - Here in the Bonny Glen - http://melissawiley.com/blog/ - @bonnyglen