2012 CYBILS Book App Winner - Dragon Brush

Creators: John Solimine and Andy Hollinger
Seller: Small Planet Digital
Category: Book App
Version: 1.2
Compatible with: iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Requires IOS 4.3 or later.
Website: http://www.dragonbrushapp.com/ 
Twitter | Facebook

Description of the App from Webpage:

Based on a traditional Chinese folktale, Dragon Brush is the story of Bing-Wen, a young boy who loves to paint. When given a magical brush that makes drawings come to life, Bing-Wen must use his art and his wits to outsmart the greedy Emperor. 

* Help Bing-Wen’s drawings come magically to life 
* Create your own drawings with Dragon Paint 
* Discover interactive elements on every page

Congratulations to Dragon Brush App & Small Planet Digital for winning the CYBILS 2012 Childrens and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards.  Congratulations to the CYBILS Book App Committe Rounds 1 & 2 for all of their hardwork as judges.  If you haven't seen this wonderful Book App take a peak at the video below.  The App is available on iTunes

Checkout Mary Ann Scheuer's review on Great Kid Books.

Video of the App:

Dragon Brush from Small Planet Digital on Vimeo.

2012 CYBILS Judges are Announced

Today, the Judges for the 2012 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards was announced.  The amazing Jen Robinson (@JensBookPage) has been busy tweeting the announcements all day.  Click here to see all of the categories and the Round 1 and Round 2 judges for each category.

I am so excited that I get to serve for a second year as a Round 2 Book App Judge.  Here are all of my fellow Book App Judges - Certainly an impressive list:

Cybils Book Apps Round 1:
  1. Cathy Potter - The Nonfiction Detectives http://www.nonfictiondetectives.com/ - @cppotter
  2. Paula Willey - PinkMe http://pinkme.typepad.com/ - @pwbalto
  3. Carissa Kluver - Digital Media Diet http://digitalmediadiet.com/ - @iPad_storytime
  4. Lalitha Nataraj - Masala Reader  http://masalareader.wordpress.com/- @librarian_lali
  5. Lisa von Drasek - Early Word Kids http://www.earlyword.com/category/childrens-and-ya/ - @lvondrasek

Cybils Book Apps Round 2:
  1. Helen Dineen - CAppTivated Kids - http://Capptivatedkids.wordpress.com/ - @aitcheldee
  2. Alyson Beecher - KidLitFrenzy - http://www.kidlitfrenzy.com/ - @alybee930
  3. Sara Bryce - Bryce Don’t Play - http://brycedontplay.blogspot.com/ - @PLSanders
  4. Elisabeth LeBris - lebrisary http://lebrisary.blogspot.com/ - @elebris
  5. Melissa Wiley - Here in the Bonny Glen - http://melissawiley.com/blog/ - @bonnyglen