The Crossroads Blog Tour Day 7: Interviews with Angie Frazier and Kiki Hamilton

We kick off Day 6 of the Crossroads Blog Tour with interviews from authors Angie Frazier (who is an alum of the same college that I attended - go KSC Owls!) and Kiki Hamilton.  Don't forget to check out The Crossroads Blog Tour Main Page daily for clues to answer questions and win a prize.

Creating a world in which a story is set into can be a challenge. What things do you take into consideration when creating that world?

I try and remind myself that helping the reader to see the world I’ve created is important, but to remember that the story and the characters are the real focus. Also I have to trust a reader’s imagination. I don’t need to cover absolutely every detail—the reader is going to use their imagination to fill in the blanks.

What was the most surprising thing that you discovered about one of your characters that you didn’t see coming? 

In THE ETERNAL SEA, the sequel to EVERLASTING, I was very surprised that Camille’s fiancé, Randall, developed into a great guy. I’d planned him to be kind of a jerk, but as I wrote his character he took on a whole new personality and I ended up loving him.

If you could spend the afternoon with your favorite author, who would it be and what would you do? 

There is this woman who demonstrates the proper uses and layers of Victorian age dresses and underthings by dressing in front of a crowd, piece by piece. It’s like a backward Victorian striptease with commentary on the clothing! I’d take Sarah MacLean with me and I’d try not to fangirl her all afternoon.

What is the one book that you wish you had written and why? 

I don’t know if I can honestly say I wish I’d written another author’s book. But I am reminded of the day not too long ago when my 7-year-old daughter asked, “Mommy, did you write Harry Potter?” I laughed and said no, to which she replied, “I wish you wrote Harry Potter.” To which I sighed and said, “Me too, kid. Me too.”

Newest/Upcoming Releases: Everlasting; The Midnight Tunnel: A Suzanna Snow Mystery (Mar 11)


Twitter: @angie_frazier 

What was the hardest part about doing research for your book?

Writing about a time that I can never visit. Though there are books and movies, it’s not the same as being there yourself.

Who was the most difficult character (from one of your books) for you to write and why? 

I wouldn’t call her ‘difficult’ but the most complicated character is definitely Larkin. She’s like an onion with some many layers. Interesting and complicated and intriguing – there’s a lot more to Larkin than was revealed in the first book.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and what did you first write about?

I’ve always enjoyed writing. I wrote short stories when I was a kid - I think one of them was called ‘Slimey and his Funny Friends - and poetry in high school. But then I went to college and got a job and never really had time. When Goblet of Fire came out, I read the first Harry Potter book and I was totally hooked. I read all four books in one week. That’s when I decided to write a story for my daughter and the madness set in…..

Was there a book as a child that you read which inspired you to be a writer and what book was it?

There were lots of books I loved when I was a kid. In high school, I would read three books a week. A lot of romance, I loved mysteries. Funny enough, I don’t remember reading that much fantasy, though. When I was younger, there were a couple of fantasies I loved: THE SWING IN THE SUMMER HOUSE by Jane Langton and THE WICKED ENCHANTMENT by Marg Benary-Isbet. I loved them enough that I tracked them down and bought a copy as an adult.

...Or What were your favorite books to read as a child? 

I read a wide variety of books. At that time, they didn’t have a ‘young adult’ section, so I often read adult books in high school. Usually mysteries and romance novels.

Thanks so much for having me over! xo Kiki

Newest/Upcoming Release: The Faerie Ring (2011)


Twitter: @ kikihamilton

The Crossroads Tour: Day 15 Angie Frazier

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today's guest for the Crossroads Tour is author Angie Frazier.  Her debut YA novel Everlasting was released in June of 2010.  A little piece of trivia....Angie and I attended the same college (though not at the same time) in New Hampshire (Keene State).  I am so excited to be able to support a fellow alumni. 

Did you have a book that you read either in Middle School or High School that scared you the most? What was it and what about it scared you?

Oh man, all of Stephen King’s books scared the living bleep out of me. Probably the one that scared me the most was Pet Sematery—the book managed to scare me more than the movie.

Did you have a paranormal experience that prompted you in writing the story that you did? 

As a kid, I lived in a house in Louisiana that was supposedly built over an old burial ground. I was five or six and I had awful nightmares all of the time--even now they give me goosebumps when I think of them. And yes, there were ghosts. My parents even saw them. So, you could say I’ve been curious about the paranormal ever since.

Where did you get the idea for your story? Did you use a real life situation and put a twist on it? 

No, honestly I have just always been a little obsessed with death and resurrection and eternal life. This
was my way to explore it a little further in my own way.

Did you have a favorite paranormal/horror story writer as a child/teen that you wanted to emulate? If so, who and why?

I wasn’t trying to emulate anyone really. I respect and admire a lot of writers. When it comes to horror, Stephen King takes the cake in my opinion. But he also captures a human element that makes the story he’s telling that much richer.

What kind of research did you do for your story and did you run into anything weird while you were doing research? 

Most of my research revolved around historical details of the time period and place. The best research was the superstitions of the sailors at that time. I especially love the eerie folklore of Fiddler’s Green, the afterlife for sailors where there is endless mirth, a fiddle always playing, dancers—and all of it happening nine miles from the gates of Hell.

What helps you to create characters that people will feel passionate about either in liking them or disliking them? 

I think crafting a character with depth is the most difficult task for me. I’m very plot driven as a
writer. For characters worth caring about, I like giving them flaws, wants, dreams, regrets, and secrets they want to keep hidden.  It’s hard, because a character someone loves will be a character someone else couldn’t understand or “get.”

If you could have a supernatural power or gift what would it be?  

I would love to be able to “see” into the past…like if I was in an old house or near an ancient object and touched it, I’d love to be able to see the history of the place or object as if I was right there.

For more information about Angie Frazier, check out her website:

To follow her on Twitter:  @angie_frazier

The talented Vania of VLC Productions created the book trailer for Everlasting.  So lovely.