Crossroad Tour Winners

It is always fun to announce winners and there are three winners to announce. 

Winner of the signed copy of VAMPED by Lucienne Diver is:
Cindy (Blog- Cindy's Love of Books)

Winner of the 1st Crossroads SWAG pack is:
Heather (Blog - Buried in Books)

Winner of the 2nd Crossroads SWAG pack is:
Kristen (Blog - My Bloody Valentine)

It is sad to see the Crossroads Tour end, but glad everyone had so much fun.

And once again, congratulations to all the winners.

- Aly

The Crossroads Tour: Day 16 Amy Brecount White

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today is the last day for The Crossroads Tour and Amy Brecount White is stopping by to celebrate Halloween with some of her own Halloween memories.  Amy is a 2010 Debut author.  Her book, Forget-Her-Nots was released earlier this year.  You can read a couple of chapter here on her site.

What is your most embarrassing/funny/scary Halloween experience or costume?

In college, my friend Suz and I were really into philosophy and had read this cool book called, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. We smeared mascara on our faces and hands, dressed grunge, and went to the party as motorcycle mechanics. One of my best Halloweens ever.

Do you have any Halloween family stories that you can share with readers?

I’m allergic to nuts and peanuts, and so are two of my three children. Halloween can be scary for us in a strange way. But it was pretty funny when one of my kids looked at the usual candy selection someone offered -- Snickers, Baby Ruth, Reeses -- and says, “Excuse me, do you have anything without nuts?”
LOL. We have to weed through everything when they get home.

White bellflowers and orange crocuses for hosting me, Aly!! - And thanks Amy for stopping by - here's to a peanut and nut free Halloween!!!!!

For more information on Amy Brecount White, check out her website:
To find her on Twitter, folllow: @amybrecountwhit

Since this is the last day of The Crossroads Tour, there is a SWAG Pack giveaway.  The picture below is what will be included in the pack.

The rules to entering:

1.  Please fill out the entry form below.
2. You must be 13 or older.
3. You must have left a comment on at least one blog post from Tour Days 9 to 16 (today would count).  (Additional points for additional comments.)
4. Tweet the contest (optional)
5. Only one entry per participant.
6. Open Internationally.
7. All entries must be in by Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 11:59 PDT 

The Crossroads Tour: Day 15 Angie Frazier

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today's guest for the Crossroads Tour is author Angie Frazier.  Her debut YA novel Everlasting was released in June of 2010.  A little piece of trivia....Angie and I attended the same college (though not at the same time) in New Hampshire (Keene State).  I am so excited to be able to support a fellow alumni. 

Did you have a book that you read either in Middle School or High School that scared you the most? What was it and what about it scared you?

Oh man, all of Stephen King’s books scared the living bleep out of me. Probably the one that scared me the most was Pet Sematery—the book managed to scare me more than the movie.

Did you have a paranormal experience that prompted you in writing the story that you did? 

As a kid, I lived in a house in Louisiana that was supposedly built over an old burial ground. I was five or six and I had awful nightmares all of the time--even now they give me goosebumps when I think of them. And yes, there were ghosts. My parents even saw them. So, you could say I’ve been curious about the paranormal ever since.

Where did you get the idea for your story? Did you use a real life situation and put a twist on it? 

No, honestly I have just always been a little obsessed with death and resurrection and eternal life. This
was my way to explore it a little further in my own way.

Did you have a favorite paranormal/horror story writer as a child/teen that you wanted to emulate? If so, who and why?

I wasn’t trying to emulate anyone really. I respect and admire a lot of writers. When it comes to horror, Stephen King takes the cake in my opinion. But he also captures a human element that makes the story he’s telling that much richer.

What kind of research did you do for your story and did you run into anything weird while you were doing research? 

Most of my research revolved around historical details of the time period and place. The best research was the superstitions of the sailors at that time. I especially love the eerie folklore of Fiddler’s Green, the afterlife for sailors where there is endless mirth, a fiddle always playing, dancers—and all of it happening nine miles from the gates of Hell.

What helps you to create characters that people will feel passionate about either in liking them or disliking them? 

I think crafting a character with depth is the most difficult task for me. I’m very plot driven as a
writer. For characters worth caring about, I like giving them flaws, wants, dreams, regrets, and secrets they want to keep hidden.  It’s hard, because a character someone loves will be a character someone else couldn’t understand or “get.”

If you could have a supernatural power or gift what would it be?  

I would love to be able to “see” into the past…like if I was in an old house or near an ancient object and touched it, I’d love to be able to see the history of the place or object as if I was right there.

For more information about Angie Frazier, check out her website:

To follow her on Twitter:  @angie_frazier

The talented Vania of VLC Productions created the book trailer for Everlasting.  So lovely.

The Crossroads Tour: Day 14 Rosemary Clement-Moore

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today's feature for the Crossroads Tour is author Rosemary Clement-Moore.  Her novel The Splendor Falls was released in 2009. In addition to The Splendor Falls, Clement-Moore is the author of the Maggie Quinn: Girl vs. Evil series.  Her newest book Texas Gothic will be out in 2011.  To read a teaser from her upcoming book, click here.

Description from GoodReads:
Sylvie Davis is a ballerina who can’t dance. A broken leg ended her career, but Sylvie’s pain runs deeper. What broke her heart was her father’s death, and what’s breaking her spirit is her mother’s remarriage—a union that’s only driven an even deeper wedge into their already tenuous relationship.

Uprooting her from her Manhattan apartment and shipping her to Alabama is her mother’s solution for Sylvie’s unhappiness. Her father’s cousin is restoring a family home in a town rich with her family’s history. And that’s where things start to get shady. As it turns out, her family has a lot more history than Sylvie ever knew. More unnerving, though, are the two guys that she can’t stop thinking about. Shawn Maddox, the resident golden boy, seems to be perfect in every way. But Rhys—a handsome, mysterious foreign guest of her cousin’s—has a hold on her that she doesn’t quite understand.

Then she starts seeing things. Sylvie’s lost nearly everything—is she starting to lose her mind as well? 

For more information about Rosemary Clement-Moore and her books, check out her website here.

To find her on twitter: @rclementmoore

The Crossroads Tour: Day 13 Stacey Kade

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today's guest for the Crossroads Tour is author Stacey Kade.  Her debut YA novel The Ghost & The Goth was released in June of 2010. 

 What was your favorite paranormal/horror/fantasy story as a child/teen? And why did you like it so much?

The Girl with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts.  It was, if I remember correctly, about a girl who gained telekinetic powers because her mother took a medicine with side effects when she was pregnant.
What I recall liking about the story was the girl felt kind of like a freak until she realized there were others like her.

Where did you get the idea for your story? Did you use a real life situation and put a twist on it?

You know, I don’t know where ideas come from. They just sort of show up! And I like it that way—it’s fun to be surprised. That being said, the stories of ghosts and mediums (and popular girls and outcast boys) have been around forever. I just combined the two.

Especially in Y.A., there seems to be a big emphasis on paranormal romance? Do you consider the romance part when you are writing your story or do you consider writing your story and see where the romance fits in?

That’s a good question. I’m guilty of thinking too much about the main story and not enough about the romance. I figured that out in the first draft of the second book (Queen of the Dead, June 2011) and needed to rewrite it! The funny thing is, as a reader, I’m far more interested in the romance angle of the story.  I just have trouble remembering that when I’m the one behind the wheel, so to speak!

What helps you to create characters that people will feel passionate about either in liking them or disliking them?

I try to be honest in reflecting who the characters are. I don’t set out to make them either likeable or unlikeable. I just try to get them on the page as close as I can to how they appear/sound in my head.

What characteristics were critical to you in creating your characters?

I knew Alona was a snob, but I also knew that she had her own world-view in which her perspective made sense (skewed though it may seem to the rest of us). I wanted to make sure that snobbery came across but also her humanity. With Will, I thought it was very important to get across the struggle he has
within himself over this gift he has, which he does not want, and the obligation he feels to use it to help others and the guilt he feels when he doesn’t.

What kind of research did you do for your story and did you run into anything weird while you were doing research?

I’ve been reading about ghosts practically my whole life, so I didn’t have to do a great deal of research on that topic. However, I did research specific haunted locations and also how mediums describe seeing spirits. Nothing weird happened, but I also refuse to visit most haunted places! : )

If you could have a supernatural power or gift what would it be?

Oh, see, this is dangerous. Because I believe in a writing principle we call the price of magic. Which means the ability to do something amazing comes with a cost. If I could have a supernatural power or gift, I’d like to be able to heal people (ala Max on Roswell) but the price of that magic seems like it would probably be pretty high. So, I think I’m pretty happy being non-supernatural!

For information about Stacey Kade and her books, check out her website:

You can find her on Twitter: @staceykade

My review of The Ghost & The Goth will be up later today and there will even be a chance to win a signed copy of Stacey's debut novel.