Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: In the Age of Distance Learning

Lately, I have been scouring the web for resources and other ideas to share with my Preschool and Afterschool teachers as they look for easy enrichment activities to share with students and families. I decided to share a few of my favorites along with some books to pair with the videos.

Here are a few of my favorite videos that I found and thought would be fun to share with you…

TED-ED: The Chemistry of Cookies - Check out the lesson by Stephanie Warren, here.

Mystery Doug has a series of short videos that are inspired by questions from kids. Anyone up for chocolate?

Pair this video with Melissa Stewart’s No Monkeys, No Chocolate

The California Science Center have created a series of videos called Stuck at Home. Click here to see all of the current videos. Some are available in both English and Spanish.

Pair this video with National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Things That Go (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) by Karen De Seve

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews here…

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: New Releases Coming in April

It’s time for my favorite post of the month - sharing upcoming new releases. There are so many wonderful books coming out in April. Here is just a few of the books that will begin releasing in several days.

If you missed the previous posts, you will find them here: 2020 Preview | January/February Post | March Post

March 2020

The Fabled Life of Aesop: The extraordinary journey and collected tales of the world’s greatest storyteller by Ian Lendler, Illustrated by Pamela Zargarenski (HMH Books for Young Readers)

The Voice that Won the Vote: How One Woman’s Words Made History by Elisa Boxer, Illustrated by Vivien Mildenberger (Sleeping Bear Press)

April 7, 2020

Dads by John Coy, Photos by Wing Young Huie (Carolrhoda Books)

Exquisite: The Poetry and Life of Gwendolyn Brooks by Suzanne Slade, Illustrated by Cozbi A. Cabrera (Abrams Books for Young Readers)

Follow Those Zebras: Solving a Migration Mystery by Sandra Markle (Millbrook Press)

Lost Cities by Giles Laroche (HMH Books for Young Readers)

Play Like an Animal!: Why Critters Splash, Race, Twirl, and Chase by Maria Gianferrari, Illustrated by Mia Powell (Millbrook Press)

Small Matters: The Hidden Power of the Unseen by Heather Ferranti Kinser (Millbrook Press)

A Sporting Chance: How Ludwig Guttmann Created the Paralympic Games by Lori Alexander, Illustrated by Allan Drummond (HMH Books for Young Readers)

You’re Invited to a Moth Ball: A Nighttime Insect Collection by Loree Griffin Burns, Illustrated by Ellen Harasimowicz (Charlesbridge)

April 14, 2020

Alphamaniacs: Builders of 26 Wonders of the World by Paul Fleischman, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet (Candlewick Studio)

Box: Henry Brown Mails Himself to Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford, Illustrated by Michele Wood (Candlewick)

The Boy Who Dreamed of Infinity: A Tale of Genius Ramanujan by Amy Alznauer, Illustrated by Daniel Miyares (Candlewick)

In the Woods by David Elliott, Illustrated by Rob Dunlavey (Candlewick)

Rescuing the Declaration of Independence: How We Almost Lost the Words That Built America by Anna Crowley Redding, Illustrated by Edward Fotheringham (HarperCollins)

Seagulls Soar by April Pulley Sayre, Illustrated by Kasia Bogdańska (Boyds Mills Press)

April 28, 2020

What Do You Do If You Work at the Zoo? by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page (HMH Books for Young Readers)

Don’t forget to link up your nonfiction reviews…